
Totally with you on this. Don't know why these companies target the light bulbs - is it because it is the first thing people observe? Am pretty sure it's among the least power consuming devices. At the same time, am curious to know what percentage of the total power consumption in a home is by lights. Save on the big

Thanks! Now, if only I could fit them into my view-master.

If it's not copyrighted, could you share a few with us mortals?

Glad to have been of help :). We all have these moments when we suddenly realize there is a meaning or more to what we just took for granted. I've been thru it many many times, myself.

I know. But what I was alluding to was that these are things that one does as a kid (and that's when you find Poe extremely exciting, as well)

Seriously, even I was thinking the same - eye tracking. But then, if I take my eyes off the monitor, then will I be able to get back to where I stopped?

Anyone who has read Edgar Allen Poe will know how ciphers work and how to decipher them. Very easy to recognise that this shift method has been used and once you know that, cracking it is a piece of cake.

Nice stats. Care to explain the assumptions and calculations behind these values?

Looking at the real-time map, wind seems to appear out of thin air at certain places. Now, wait, what am I saying...? Wind *is* air.

The convective heat transfer coeff for water is around 10x that of air. So expect a cooling time reduction of the same order when it is room temperature air and room temperature water.

It's not the size per-se, but the power that goes into it and the power density.

You got your units all messed up. This is an 'Merican blog and it has to be a 1 mile manufacturing process.

Agree with you. But, the reason they make these connectors different is because the new processors are not compatible with a older gen motherboard. It's more of a fool-proofing than trying to eke out a few bucks from people

Nope. Desktops always come with removable processors.

Here in ——— it is already a stolen bike parked there.

Does this beat the simple candle/open flame sealing?

Right. It would be better to have the solar panels on the inside cover - facing the e-ink screen. But, that's just me...

Where does it say 0.25in thicker than the Air? BTW, 0.25in thicker would mean about 40% thicker and that's a lot.

Thanks! That was a nice tip. Not sure if it's documented, but I wasn't aware of it.

"...we'll be eating nothing but sand and blueberries."