
Haha.. People should definitley stop taking everything Jobs says so seriously. He might be the face of the Apple products and especially the iPhone at the moment, but if you look at the big picture outside of tech sites and even the US, you'll see that are much less informed about his shenanigans than us here [at Giz].

It seems that Apple programmed these babies to simply burst out in terrible flames whenever its user holds it the wrong way.

@mikeslps: Oh, don't get me wrong.. I have an 8mp Sony with only 3x zoom right next to my lumix in the shoulderbag for quick shots and whatnot.. It's just that for all the nice technical beef, I'd usually end up struggling with the zoom on that thing. It's all personal, ofcourse.

All that, but only 4x optical zoom. I have a Lumix at home with 10x optical zoom and even that is barely enough for a lot of situations. It's too bad...

@gamer24: 1.7 million iPhones sold in one day.

By the stars! iPhone did something right!? To arms!

The only reason people are moaning about the bumper costing 30 bucks, is because it's deemed a necessity with the signal problem. Apple accessories have always been overpriced. From the laptop bags to the earplugs to the Mini to the display adapters.

People are complaining about the VAPOR at the sides: You can go for custom text.

Remember when we used controllers to play games? Yeah.. Good times.

@kwisatz kidd: I think they won't admit to it because it's a common problem with a lot of other brands as well. I've had it with other phones in the past as well. With some a little bit more than others, I guess.

@leaverus: Zoom in on happy parts. Tilt screen. Enjoy.

@ara313: Sounds pretty bad, yeah.. I heard buying a simple case or Apple Bumper pretty much solves this problem? It might also solve it breaking after a fall. I hardly ever see 3GS iPhones without a case here. I'm still kinda out there with what to buy, but most other phones look like total crap or are just way too

@trs: We don't have the phone here yet and the feed from overseas says all kinds of things about "Deathgrips" and whatnot.. My question still stands, though. I can hold it in a slightly more gripped way and the bars go all the way down to one. It doesn't sound so different from the iPhone case.

I have an old Samsung Star I use at work. When I hold it in the same clumsy manner as people hold the iPhone in, I have the same reception problem.

I have an old Samsung Star I use at work instead of my iPhone. I wondered if the Death Grip was just another common thing with a lot of phones, so I tried it out on it. Death Grip ate away the bars on this phone as well. People are only bitching about it because it's the new iPhone. Most people probably don't even own