Whitney's Receipts

Looking at the responses I’ve gotten (trying to bring the faults of colorism to black women), looks like the answer to my question is a no....


This is why some of us try to tell other black folks about giving out passes, black cards, cookout invites, and the like. These non blacks get too comfortable and they’ll either say the N word, lecture black people about various issues, and a list of other foolishness.

We can talk all day about how colorism is the first born child of white supremacy. Which, of course, it is. But at the end of the day, some of the biggest enforcers of it are black men. So can we start talking about accountability and responsibility for once?

Couldn’t they just replayed Prince’s 2007 SB performance and kept Dustin in his dressing room? The kids wouldn’t have known the difference.

This isn’t the first time The King family has allowed his image and words to be used for frivolous advertisement.

“About 48 percent of students said that tax protests were the cause.”

Not POC, it’s all black people.


Democrats don’t have the guts to be that bold.

Hip Hop is the only musical genre that doesn’t respect those that came before and paved the way.

The only thing I know is that he and storm were married. His father died and then he became king and Wakanda makes a highly sought after chemical and Cap’s shield is made from it. I’ve always been a DC fan as a kid, so that’s where all of my comic knowledge is. But you better believe I’m gonna be in a movie theater

This. The Kardashians are only worth eye rolls nothing more.

We are the only ones who get fired and give a damn about antiblackness. We plan boycotts, divestments, and protests. Why do you guys act like we’re some kind of preferred, favored group? Any action behind us, is ALWAYS something we created. No one has given us anything.  

I’ve been saying for the last 15 years, it should’ve been JC.

There were/are no black women boycotting black panther. That was made up by black women-hating black men.

“Men don’t like hearing no. They feel entitled to sex with whatever woman they want, regardless of how she feels about it. Her feelings and her personhood are completely irrelevant, because her body is the only thing a guy is thinking about. She’s little more than a human version of the Fleshlight.

I’m glad someone brought this up. I wanted to tell the young african immigrants who were listing their credentials on twitter, that it doesn’t matter.


Everybody needs someone thing to look down on, I guess.