White Guilt Makes You Stupid


LOL at all you naive white-guilt idiots who thought the attacker was white!

Actually, you’re just about to be unemployed and unemployable.

“ Where else could you get to own a company with the best black writers, producers, directors and editors in the country?”

The Hatians will just piss it all away on rum and fried chicken in about a week and a half.

white guilt makes you stupid

You. Look. Stupid. When. You. Write. Like. This.

“progressive white people”
Any white person who self-identifies as a “progressive” is either totally naive or a fucking idiot, or both. 

July 9, 2018

There’s your hashtag.  It applies to you.



“And he’s working on a book of essays to be published by Ecco (HarperCollins).”

You do realize that your so-called “book” is never going to be published, right? 

white guilt makes you stupid

white guilt makes you stupid

I’m totally pro-abortion, mainly because every year abortion kills tens of thousands of blacks who would otherwise grow up and be criminals. Can you imagine how shitty, crime-ridden, how Africa-like, the USA would be if it was 30% black, or even just 20% black, instead of the measly 13% black it is now?  Thank the

#NotAllBlackPeopleAreRapistsAndMurderers. But while those generalizations might not be completely accurate, they’re necessary when attempting to articulate and grapple with the vastness and depth of the incredibly disproportionate shitloads of violent crimes committed by blacks.

Black people are shit.

If you live in one of Chicago’s black neighborhoods, duck!