White Guilt Makes You Stupid

Are you really so stupid as to claim that Donald Trump was not a legit citizen of the USA and therefore not eligible to run for the election of President?
Because that what it seems like you are saying.

“White people, yall have a fucked up history when it comes to POC. All of you have benefited from your historic brutality. Fuck you!”


“Haiti being required to pay France for their lost slaves”

If they were such strong independent self-sufficient blacks, why didn’t they just tell France to FUCK OFF?

Why did they need France, or international trade to survive and make a successful nation? Seems like with such a fertile country it could have become a

I love how you whiners always whine about “the greys”

Because HARRIOT knows that he can’t fight my facts.

“Black leaders” run around calling every White person they laid eyes on a racist, especially the White cops that leave their families and communities to police the failed childlike race that is the “African American”.

Police should just ignore all 911 calls from black neighborhoods, and avoid black areas completely.  Let the blacks work their own shit out without interference from the evil popo.

Blacks are not capable of good governance or maintaining first-world qualities of civilization.

#NegroViolenceTax - Black people need to be taxed for wasting police officers’ time.

“Women with penises” aren’t really women.  If you have ever had a penis, you are not a woman.

The iconic photo of Bloody Sunday on Selma, Ala.’s Edmund Pettus Bridge is of Amelia Boynton, who was beaten unconscious by state troopers.”

And blacks have since then transformed Selma into a total shithole, fulfilling and surpassing every prediction made by those evil wypipo segregationists. You should be proud.

Please do!

Sri Lankans aren’t white, you fucking moron.

Meanwhile, in Chicago, blacks being blacks as usual:

God I sure hope so

Fuck Gawker and fuck you.