Are the Jets constructing a dome? They playing games at Nassau? Drew Brees doesn’t work outdoors.
Are the Jets constructing a dome? They playing games at Nassau? Drew Brees doesn’t work outdoors.
The best thing about this game is it will make Vikings fans think their team is good, because they think the Saints are still good. The best part of my NFL season is watching overconfident Vikings fans come to the realization that their team still sucks.
Hey now, they’re playing against the Lions this season. Brees will hang 60 points on them and receive a few more “Brees is Back” puff pieces along with a Vaseline-lensed segment before his next start where he chums it up with Troy Aikman and talks about how he can see himself playing another 7 years. I think that’s…
$54 million in dead money for Brees last year? That’s so bad even the Jets are laughing about it.
Demi Lovato reminds me of that one annoying person in the family (especially with her sudden outbreaks of ‘Mister Me Too’s’ on her Twitter and the plaguing “If you don’t go somewhere...”) that is just one layer away from getting cussed out. But your grandma keeps telling you to leave her alone because she’s “going…
James Woods is an ass, so I’m not defending him in this. However, what’s the difference between 19 and 23 - if age of adulthood (in America) is 18? In that sense, we shouldn’t be judging because he was legally engaged in a consensual relationship with another adult.
There is a lot to unpack here.
Do white guys have different brains?
Ironically, Amber Tamblyn’s husband is 19 years her senior. They started dating when she was 23 and he was 42. You don’t think he ever tried to hit on a girl that it turns out wasn’t old enough?
I get Amanda Bynes vibe from Demi L. lately...just a bad feeling...NOT because she may or may not being with another woman.
Good thing Demi has the chin dimple, I guess.
Boston does have charging stations on the street, and you can use them overnight. The connector locks to the inlet on the car, so no concerns of someone unplugging before you’re done charging.
Wait until the playoffs. He’ll shit the bed then.
He was good but not elite.
It’s comforting, as a Patriots fan, that the Seahawks are out there eliminating teams with better shot calling.
I wouldn’t worry about Frat boys unplugging them, not in Boston. They’ll all have been ripped up for the components by the Irish Mob.
This is a downer.
Hey, I’ve got a cape on, so I’m technically not topless
I have to admit, when I saw this morning that Alex Smith had thrown for 368 yards I was really trying to figure out how he managed 125 completions in one game.
Yeah, but, harder to stabilize ...