
Classic irony:

You’re not good at this...at all. I bet your lip is quivering as you violently pound away at your keyboard, hahaha!

I was hoping as the day went on you’d get funnier, but alas...

Oh how adorable, you’re trying to align yourself with some faceless forum posters! And look, trying to be funny and original yet failing spectacularly, hahaha!

Didn’t know this was being graded. Especially since grammatically you can’t begin a sentence with that.

And yet everyone here hates Asians for aligning with us, why is that then??

It actually just did.

You trying to convince yourself or the other pigfuckers here makes it no more true.

Dude, I’m not trying to piggyback you or form so sort of alignment, but what you stated is EXACTLY the reason my arguments end up in this incessant circlejerk. This entire site is built on the ideology that “blacks can’t be racist or held responsible for their words or actions..because ‘racism”.

What do people born over the past 50 years have ANYTHING to do with this? The entire technology sector, along with biotech rose up from NOTHING. There wasn’t some white blueprint in place to allow it to happen dummy.

Weird, do you even know how percentages work? Let me give you an example based on the idiotic drivel you just claimed:

...and yet we have far higher education rates, not to mention start up the most successful businesses. POCs? Yeah, not so good.

I already addressed that earlier, keep up.

Whites make up a far higher percentage of both HS and college grads, not to mention entrepreneurs idiot. The fact that you can’t even fucking refute the staement that your dumb asses have been here centuries while other minorities can come here with far less and surpass you tells me everything I need to know!

Not enough fragmented sentences...or are you a fucking robot?

You also brought tons of violent crime, shitty rap music and ebonics, not to mention those godawful “Madea” movies.

You don’t get to tell me what to do though, lard ass.

“...Can you figure out what is wrong with these single sentence my only educationed friends?” 

“all of these”...dipshit.

“...I am going to need to find one of these low level education blacks you speak of the decipher this illegible comment.”