This is like one of those mirrors of infinite do exactly what I claim you are doing, then reply yet again do the exact same thing, HAHAHA!
This is like one of those mirrors of infinite do exactly what I claim you are doing, then reply yet again do the exact same thing, HAHAHA!
Still trying this schtick I see...wait, you actually think you’re funny?
This must kill you getting trounced on a public board, so now you’re ragequitting to save face, hahaha!!! “Hey, maybe if I say some witty quips, they’ll go away and everyone here will star me, yay!”
NOT CIRCULAR LOGIC, I JUST PROVIDED BOTH STATS AND THE LINK THEY COME FROM, DUMBFUCK!!! You want it both ways when it suits your point, then retreat when you are refuted, simple thinker.
Says you, who lost the argument and goes straight to Denial Mode. Now you make lame attempts at being funny hoping people will “star” you despite the fact you keep getting owned.
Oh, now it’s “proportion” when it makes you look bad, how adorable! So by your idiotic reasoning cops should focus most of their resources on whites who statistically commit less crime by sheer population, instead of on one that commits much more for such a small percentage?
It should be crystal fucking clear considering I used your very words to refute your statement and now you go into “whatever” mode when shot down badly. I mean, why not move the goalposts over to “well, it SHOULD be 70%, you make up far more of the population!”, it’s par for the course on this site to want it both…
Do you even know what the fuck “overpoliced” means?! Your entire argument is based on the fallacty that police arrest and prosecute FAR MORE blacks than whites, then when I provide the very stat refuting that overwhelming, you play dumb!
What exactly can’t you comprehend? The fact that far more athletes and “musicians” that lose everything are black, or that English is your third language?
She’s speaking English bumblefuck, and even your demigod Obama used a teleprompter regularly. But hey, let’s just bring back slack-jawed overbite disaster Moochele!
You just keep sounding dumber in every post, amazing.
I can’t help you understand English too.
Dipshit, that very graph list Latinos as “whites” for race. You honestly think that Latinos, who are considered minorities...are now part of the “white” race too?
Have a good cry, Krissy.
You DO realize her whole fucking post was in RESPONSE to black sentiment, right idiot??!! She’s actually happy about living here, not bitching about it like black people do by the fucking minute. Use that fucking lump of shit resting on your shoulders for once.
Right, and yet far more athletes and musicians that lose all of their wealth are black, why is that exactly dumbfuck? Unlike you, whites don’t need a fucking posse of poor hangers-on to prove their worth.
I know, and reading these posts and articles it’s very easy to know who’s black based on their hate and jealousy of white people. You never see any other sites here writing articles justifying their existence as a race, pathetic.