
Blacks...what a weak race. Harriot, is this what making $50k/yr. smells like?

...and yet you all bitch daily about how much you hate your lives here. But it is true...blacks truly aren’t going anywhere, never have!

That’s adorable, this entire country’s infrastructure RELIES on white people, everything from services to financial industries. You think basketball and rap is doing anything viable??!!

She’s not the one constantly complaining about being treated unfairly dipshit!

...and your Democratic loser took 40%, so what??

Yet you can choose to leave if you hate how you are treated here, no one is holding you back.

Because be responsible for over 50% of it while you’re less than 13% of the population should be alarming, but education and math isn’t your strong points.

Whites on average are far wealthier, far more educated, make up the largest number of entreprenuers and business owners, you dumb cow.

No, you were forced to live in one of the greatest countries in the world...yet complain all fucking day about it, and how unfair your life is...while your “ancestors” live in mud huts eating flies.

“good one eye”

Maybe just shut up by default since no one cares what you think?

You’ll need to enlarge your forehead first.

Because you’re also low class and ghetto?

And WTF do you think would happend if a white person attended a HBCU? Oh wait...

Don’t compare black men to whites, ever. You are FAR more violent (unless you consider Latinos as ‘whites’, per FBI statistics), father far more children without emotional or financial support, and have higher rates of spousal abuse. The fact that you marry at less than 25% of the time while doing all of this shows

You must get so laid...

Nothing to taste, they have no suit.

...you still work for the white man, never forget that.

“excessive force caused death”...right, because everyone knows tazing someone on bath salts works out really well!

...and it took a WHITE GUY to do it because blacks are too cowardly (well, unless they’re in a group of 9 or 10). And notice how he punched the guy while he was looking straight at him Harriot? Yeah, blacks only wait until you’re looking the other way to cheapshot you. Typical.