
She sold millions and went platinum, while you’re masturbating furiously in your cube.

You do realize you’re arguing with a racist troll from The Root, right? They want you to feel bad for being white and get pissed if you don’t care. Honestly, fuck them all.

I made her wear a bag on her head and a dental dam...

Racism doesn’t necessarily correlate to only power. Secondly you conveniently overlooked my quote to the OP with regards to the very definition of racism:

Whoa...no one said I’d ever marry that pig.

I ate your Mom for breakfast, important only to her.

This should solve all of the problems in ChiCongo now!

Darkies are a violent race.

...from the idiot that can’t even end a sentence with proper punctuation, not to mention run-on sentences.

You’re whole “take everything literally then respond” schtick is already boring and unfunny, try harder.

No, YOU’RE the one bad at this idiot. When you state that someone blind would even see something that YOU are too obtuse to see, it is implying that you are worse than a blind person at seeing the obvious!

Of course he did, he’s a good looking guy and she’s blah...

Dude married down looks-wise.

Beating a bunch of sub .500 teams (and the Yanks) isn’t all that impressive no matter how you spin it. They’re last loss was to a division leader, and have played none since.

Achieve what, your team only beat ONE team with a record over .500 this entire streak. Secondly you haven’t sniffed a WS win in over 6 decades dumbass, Boston has 3 alone the past 12.

Get off the internet Francona.

Sure I can, a simple Google search alone bears that out:

Jesus Christ, do you think EVERY person that also types “LOL” is literally laughing out loud, dummy? And no context isn’t important when you state you only are concerned about seeing your own race presented and automatically show disinterest when an all-white one is, even Stevie Wonder can see that.

Says you only, I was 100% clear and even provided MULTIPLE definitions that prove my point correctly. You refusing to acknowledge as such makes it no less true. If I stated I wouldn’t see the new “Ghostbusters” I’d be labelled (as were many) ‘sexist’, if I refused to see the remake of Karate Kid or Annie I’d be

I’ll type slower since you seem as such. She’s ONLY not watching it because her race isn’t on it, yet claims she USED to like it before, so she is prejudiced that the perceived quality is inferior because said race isn’t on it now. You DO realize the show isn’t even on yet but by default she has already decided it