
Let’s instead focus on your goalpost moving when confronted with facts...

I give a shit, and you don’t get to tell me what to do. Take your dumb ass back over to The Root, so you can continue your circlejerks over how much you hate Whitey, yet can’t keep us out of your “moufs”.

...and yet you just took the time to mention it, while not “paying them your time”.

Slave owners were black too, dummy. They are to this very day, as we speak.

Unlike you, I don’t blame everyone else for my lot in life. There is no “divide” because most if not all white people truly care, we in no way, shape or form need to rely on black America for literally anything, which you can’t say with a straight face.

“What would you recommend to cover up bruises...or a black eye?” 

Does she sell a concealer to partially hide that forehead of hers?

This is going to come back to haunt him because his shelf life in the NFL is nearly done. Where does he expect to come up with the est. $336k/yearly in child support?

Face it, you’re racist and hate white people. Your inferioty complex shows by the plethora of posts you write obsessed with white people. It seems that AAs spend every waking moment of theirr days spent focused on us. This very site proves that! EVERY article is an ‘us vs. them’ and trying to make yourselves feel


Obama is biracial, and yet you probably have no problem with proclaiming him all black, right? Despite his white mother raising him, he dedicated an entire book to the absentee alcoholic, philandering father who was married to multiple women simultaneously.

This article isn’t about “alot of biracials”, she CLEARLY stated “I’m not black or white and don’t think about race at all”, maybe because many AAs try to by default claim her as ‘one of their own’ simply because one parent is black. You are literally diminishing the role her white mother had in her life by stating

I’d rather refer to him now as “Hareem Kunt” thankyouverymuch!

Yet again the NFL aggressively penalizing only the black athle...oh wait.

So to recap, if one of their parents is white they should dismiss that one as less important to their identity because...?

Sex is ONLY complicated to women, men hold none of the cards when it comes to choice hence why the overwhelming amount of cheating involving men is centered around sex, whereas women do so out of lack of attention.

That’s a choice, no woman HAS TO put anyone’s happiness before their’s, what is the actual downside? Women have far more active suitors than men. If you think I’m wrong, ask yourself why nightclubs never offer “Men’s Nite” or “Men Get In Free” offers?

...and how do you think other men feel when they themselves had sex with women they didn’t feel good about (which is REALLY what this article is about)? You think the predominantly male cops took them seriously? Men never report rape for this very reason, because the reality is that women hold ALL of the cards when it

So when women make the wrong choices of who to sleep with, and then regret it...it’s rape. But when men do it they’re assholes for leading a woman on and then ghosting her!