I’m going to save you all some time and get right to it: Fuck all of you drooling Johnny Depp fans, you have been by far the worst part of this dumb circus. Yes, worse than someone shitting in someone else’s bed!
I’m going to save you all some time and get right to it: Fuck all of you drooling Johnny Depp fans, you have been by far the worst part of this dumb circus. Yes, worse than someone shitting in someone else’s bed!
We hope this gave you a brief, blessed distraction from the demise of abortion rights in America.
She didn’t nail anything. The Dress was wasted at this event, because it had no bearing at all on the theme. AND she didn’t even look that great in it. Part of Marilyn’s allure in it was how “free” her body was under it. She wasn’t corseted up, she was sensuous. Kim looks freezedried.
The ones that I find most ridiculous are how him laughing at the trial proceedings and not taking them seriously are “oh such a hero”/“our king” while if she give any sort of look it’s “look at how callous/evil she is”.
This whole series of trials is an absolute shit show. The details are horrifying on both sides. What I hate the MOST are Depp fans turning court footage into GIFs and laughing at the whole thing.
I mean, I’m reading the Daily Mail version linked (god help me) but... I don’t know how quite explosive this is beyond the headline.
I feel like this is also a strategy that they use to seem “real” by admitting it. Like when celebs admit to getting their boobs done or a little botox but leave out the 58 other surgeries and procedures (which is also what this family does now that I think about it, with both Khloe and Kylie saying they only got…
Kim Kardashian perpetuates unrealistic body images that contribute to lifelong mental and physical problems for young girls. She is decidedly NOT feminist and shouldn’t be obsessed over in this space.
Seriously. We’ve all had moments where we’re supporting a friend through a bad breakup and maybe talking some trash about their ex but those texts are so very troubling.
I know my respect for Bettany just went right out the window.
Not even a single sentiment along the lines of “I get that you’re angry but bro, that’s a bit much.” Just straight up “My thoughts entirely” in response to the words “I will fuck her burnt corpse.”
Those texts are burned into my brain because WTF. And he hasn’t commented on any of this. I’m sure Disney/Marvel told him to keep his mouth shut and hoped everyone would glide over his involvement and that it would get lost in all the other insane details (which it mostly has).
seriously has made Bettany look terrible by association
Fully this. It’s shocking to scan the comments across various sites. The headline will read something like “Johnny texts pals that he shoots heroin into his eyes and punches Amber in the face,” and the commenters will scream “yEaH beCaUse ShE EggEd hIm On!!1!”
I belive he owes a shit-ton of money and he’s tanked his career by being an end stage alcoholic, and - clearly- can’t let this go (which seems the state of the entire relationship), so he’ll keep digging.
I like when his stans (in response to my comment about how this case was essentially decided already in the UK and I’m unsure why he chose to re-litigate this here except maybe to bully her into submission with litigation a la t***p) ask “are YOU watching the trial?” LOL fuck no, why would I do that to myself when a…
The fact that he brought this suit and thinks he can benefit from it is bonkers. Neither one of them can “prove” their wasn’t or wasn’t violence, so he can’t win it (nor can she likely win the counter suit). But what is coming out that can’t be disputed, like the god awful things he says about her in texts and emails…
“I’ve lost everything. No matter the outcome of this trial, I’ve already lost. I lost when these allegations were made cause they will stay with me forever. My life is ruined forever,” he said during testimony.
And yet he still has millions of fans who will write awful things because AmBeR is a NuTcAsE. For too many women, liberal and conservative, they will justify abusing another woman if they like a guy enough (even if they will never meet him).
Beyond being an abuser of all sorts Depp is an idiot for dragging his out. The ongoing reevelations have left nothing to the imagination.