Whitey Fisk

As 38 year old who remembers when this scandal broke she was slut shamed to even greater degree and he was treated like a hero. If anything she was treated worse than other women because people people felt like because she posed in Playboy she wasn’t allowed to be upset. Kinda like you are.

“...but does it really apply to Pamela Anderson?”

nobody deserves to have their privacy invaded like that. Pamela can consent to what she wants, but the very nature of this sex tape is about removing the consent and then placing blame on her like you seem to be doing lol. So you’re kind of proving the very point that yes, she is held to a more unfair standard here,

Ron finally got his franchise and it had its grand opening January of 2020

So did Soup ‘R Crackers  not work out?

Fine. As long as it’s hard sci-fi this time.

This is a Ron Donald “Do.”

WTF is Starz lol

You were right to stop; the first fifteen minutes of a pilot is always representative of a show’s entire run.

They might’ve been more “prestige-y” but they didn’t exactly kill at the box office. Neither made as much as Bring it On (Cider House was close, Pleasantville lost a ton of money). By the time Spide-Man came out, way more people had seen Bring it On than those other two movies combined.

Just want to call out that she did a phenomenal job with the character in the first movie. It’s hard to explain, but she played the popular girl type so well. She comes off as a genuinely fun and decent person who is at the same time aware of her looks and how Peter sees her. The way she teases him playfully

She was definitely the bigger star of the two of them at the time, coming right off of Bring It On. Maguire was mostly an indie actor at the time who had a couple of mild hits, but nothing huge. He definitely should have been paid more since he’s the star of the film, but it sounds like they didn’t give her what she

She also recalls that, for Spider-Man, a producer took her to the dentist without her consent in order to fix her teeth. He drove her there without telling her what was going on, and she realized what was happening when they arrived.”

What, and it’s impossible to stress this enough, the fuck.

For the love of God, someone please cancel me.  I’ve been unemployed for two years.

This motherfucker’s going to walk.

He said that he was there to protect property, but in no way was he engaged in guarding behavior - staying at his post, observing, remaining calm. He was walking around shooting people. I don’t understand how he has a defense, frankly. SMH. I’m sad and sickened at the idea that he’s about to get off scot-free, but it

Twitter is not McCarthyism because Twitter in not a panel of government officials acting under the color of law, you dumb fuck.

Every time, and I mean EVERY TIME, creators and famous people complain about Twitter, what they’re really complaining about is that their no longer shielded from public opinion. Please to be

Eh. Sometimes you can quit the cocaine but the cocaine doesn’t quit you.

If i looked at the word vomit right: he does not see ‘gay’ or ‘straight’ as sufficient queues that would require actors to be gay for the role of a gay person and straight for a straight person. If you squint it’s sort of fair: what is ‘gay’ and what is ‘straight’ leads to the type of stereotyping that hurts everyone.

I had to look up his age (it’s 60, btw) because that wall of text/free association definitely suggests he’s already into the Rambling Old Man part of his life.