Whitey Fisk

For real, except I just call them all sacks of shit. It always seems to fit.

I swear to god, I see posts from people like this daily around here, and it’s not an exaggeration whatsoever; the only thing I could have added was that they always have a background photo of 1. The twin towers/an eagle/American flag, 2. A picture of the person holding a large gun, dressed in tactical gear, 3. Their

Oh yeah I see his regularly with people on local news Facebook stories. You know, the salt of the earth REAL Americans. Their take is that this story is all a bunch of hooey because WHERE’S THE PROOF? I don’t see any proof of this so it’s all obviously made up by Hillary and George Soros. As though Joe Schmoe from New

Did anyone else almost tear up when Jimmy opened his book and saw the dedication to Gretchen? “To Gretchen, thanks for being alone with me.” Just me? Okay.

I wondered this too, but I took it to mean Cosby level famous/recognized? I’ve always thought it would have been weird to describe Louis like that because he’s in no way as beloved/recognizable/famous as Bill Cosby was TODAY, and this was a few years ago. If it was meant to be about the assault, well...I just hope

Yeah I don’t think I’d see someone twice on the same tour, or maybe I would? I think there’s a couple people I might do that for, but probably not. Like have you seen the new Marc Maron special where he’s like “How do you have fun? Like this show, I probably wouldn’t have come. ‘Yeah I like him and everything, but you

As someone who is almost as obsessed with stand-up comedy as music, I always thought this was weird too. Also, am I the only one who enjoys hearing jokes more than once? I’ve watched certain comedy specials and listened to m favorite comedy albums like a million times.

Seinfeld is my favorite tv show of all time. I reference it constantly, all of my friends know that it’s pretty much part of my DNA at this point.

He is such a fucking ghoul.

Does anyone remember the Children’s Palace chain of toy stores? My parents love to tell the story of how the first time they ever took me, well behaved and mild mannered as a child, to a toy store, it was Children’s Palace, and when it was time to leave, I threw the MOATT (Mother of all Temper Tantrums) and had to be

Well shit, I know where I’m applying for a job!
Just kidding, fuck that lady.

This seriously really makes me want to see this now. I was on the fence before.

Did anyone else think that David S. Pumpkins was kind of like...the less funny version of the Kevin Roberts skit? Anyone else?

I was a big CQ fan on SNL and nobody else I hung out with at the time thought he was funny at all, I didn’t get it. Norm was my all-time favorite because he was the Weekend Update anchor at the time when I was really getting into SNL, but CQ was great too. And before Norm I loved Kevin Nealon.

Edit: Also I know this

I’m emotional today and this almost made me sob.

The first thing I did upon arriving at work the day the book was released was check Amazon, because I knew it would be a shitshow, and I was completely unsurprised to see the review section of Clinton’s book was rife with trolls. It was pathetic.

“It was a tragedy...at the time...”

“Kenny G has a Christmas album out this year. Hey, happy birthday, Jesus! Hope you like crap!”

I was coming here to say this. “You’re a fucking dog-face. How could you not get that?”