Whitey Fisk

“I PIERCED THE TOAST!” One of my favorites.

I wanted to start a betting pool as to how long until he drinks himself to death. Dude looks like he drinks a pint of Wild Irish Rose every morning for breakfast.

Seriously, these photos make me want to gouge my eyes out of my skull, but I can’t look away.


I saw people complaining about that literally like…an hour ago. "WHO MADE HER THE AUTHORITY ON SCHOOL LUNCHES?!"

I fucking hate her.

This show is hilarious, way better than I thought it would be, but I watch it every week just because it comes on after New Girl. Alba and Ben are the best.

I hated this show when it first started, but once you get past the first maybe 6 episodes, it is so worth it.

The episode where Jess has her period and is all hormonal and has the job interview...the scene with the puppy in the teacup still makes me laugh so much.


I will agree that he does seem to at lest have some realization that he was a horrible piece of shit, I even had a post on here a while back saying the same thing, but I was mostly just angry because of a post I saw right before reading this article where a woman I know was like “I just love him! He needs a reality

This is how I feel too. I bet he was fun to party with back in the day but I wish people would stop acting like he’s some adorable grandpa. The same people on my facebook feed who now find him charming were screaming for his death like 12 years ago.

Ugh, whatever, he’s still fucking terrible, honestly. He’s not wrong in this case though. At least he could manage to string a complete sentence together/knew how to read, though.

They don’t care, they don’t regret anything and even if they did they would never in a million years admit it. They’re just happy to see “liberals crying”, that’s literally the only thing they care about. The whole country could be burning down around them and they’d still point and laugh like Nelson Muntz and go

People are just goddamned stupid. One of the biggest issues I encounter when dealing with people like this (and I’m surrounded by them, living in Indiana), is that none of them understand how the government, or any governmental process, works. They don’t know what the House of Representatives does, they don’t

Yeah I wasn't sure if we were talking about just later Cage or Cage in general, because obviously there's Leaving Las Vegas, which still holds up, and the other ones I always pitch for his defense are Valley Girl, Wild at Heart, and Moonstruck (one of my all-time favorite movies).

I never saw Copland when it came out because I remember rolling my eyes at the previews, but it popped up on Netflix a few years back and I watched it and damn that shit is good.

I remember my parents renting this for us to watch when it came out on video, and oh man we all loved it. I still talk about how underrated it is and nobody ever remembers it!

Was just coming to post that. Loved Joe.

My favorite podcast ever. For me the best episodes are Howard the Duck and 88 Minutes, just for Pete Holmes and Jason's Pacino impressions. But yeah all the ones you mentioned are A+ too.

YES, great movie!!

I was coming here to post this.