Whitey Fisk

I worked for an Italian family for six years at their restaurant/bakery and I will agree with this statement. I was like one of their daughters but it didn’t stop all of the men in the family from making inappropriate comments all the time and expecting me to drop everything to wait on them hand and foot.

I’m certain I’m in the grays over here, but I’m in Indianapolis too! Originally from South Bend!

Soooo corny. I actually cringed when I saw Joey and Dee Dee in the audience. Because that crappy, neutered song by the Nasty Bits is just that inspiring? GTFOH.


I’m still in the greys here, but I believe that’s from the first/original clip - after the reporter stands up from the ground and is yelling at the Secret Service agent about how he grabbed him, he does a quick throat grab on him while he’s talking, like a (albeit furious) demonstration.

Now playing

I know I’m in the greys over here, but have you seen this guy? It is a spot on Trump:

I was literally just coming here to post this.

"I can't watch a man sing a song!"