
It has always been Democrats who said our voting system was infallible. When POC questioned the system, we were called conspiracy theorists.

They also spent 7 times more in one the most expensive elections ever. This is embarrassing. It is time for POC to take over the Democratic party.

White women are the worst.

You are talking to a black woman. Just stop!

I am beginning to think white feminists are more problematic than the police.

This is peak white liberal woman nonsense.

No. That would be appropriation. I can’t believe it is 2017 and I still have to explain this to stupid white women.

White liberals do not want POC to carry guns.

It is funny watching white women make excuses for her. If she was black, the comments would be totally different.

You are a prime example of the dumb white women I tell my friends about.

I don’t understand why black people trust the government to help them. We should recognize by now that they have no intention of doing so.

We are sick of your white ass dominating all the discussions on this site. Why do white people insist on being the center of attention always?

White people being racist is so funny.

Thank you, whitey. I am so glad you like how we dress. Do you want me to dance for you now?

Thank you white woman for approving this prom. Your opinion of it is so important.

“It’s basically someone else (a man) smugly informing me that he’s busy deciding on my behalf whether I’m sufficiently human that day or not.”

It’s worse than blatant racism. Apathy is the opposite of love.

Banks is an actress. It’s like a climate scientist not knowing what global warming is.

“That said, I do think it’s relevant that The Color Purple is not top of mind when I think of Spielberg. I’ll let smarter folks determine what the relevance is.”

So a white woman makes a racist statement and now she is a victim? SMH.