
He’s saying there are many, many, MANY white people who quote Dr. King, but they only quote his Kumbaya stuff at black people in an effort to get black people to shut up and love racism away in silence.

If they actually cared about (ending) racism they’d read his other works and listen to his other speeches and stop

Were these women white or something? Because usually punishment for things like this is just a few days at a desk.

Wait, how many of those “all black” fraternities and sororities were founded because white people wouldn’t let black people in theirs? How many STILL resist having black people join? Also, how many“all black” fraternities and sororities exclude white people from joining just because they’re white?

Neither were Italians or the Irish, but try telling them that today and see how far you get.

The ability to block the racists and not have to see their whining.

Except for there was no active shooter here.

When will white people take responsibility for anything? Black people should have showed up for a white woman when white women couldn’t be bothered to show up for her? Fuck y’all.

The majority of Brazilians ID as African.

What is the risk to white people in Chicago and Oakland. Links? Because usually you assholes bring up Chicago as an example of why it’s okay for police to kill black people.

There’s a chart. In the article. About this very thing you’re suggesting. I take it as you missed it tripping over yourself to troll, excuse me, find a white excu-pardon me, reason for this disparity to not be true?

Why’d you dismiss my comment, rex? I thought we were having a lovely conversation. That’s okay! Reposted it. Stare at it and seethe.

Awwww, racists want to come here and play in the comment section, but don’t like it when you play back. Why so fragile, rexy poo? Dismiss me all you want.

#whitestupidity is not recognizing that that CRA came 20 years after WWII ended (and 100 years after slavery was abolished), but expecting black people to be totes okay with this show.

Yes. Now you can block it from your browser and never come back!

All of his articles are nonstop crying, but here you are...crying. You’re obsessed.

The more I read the grays the more I realize that whole whites-are-the-most-intelligent-race spiel is a lie.

I know you’re a bullshit troll, but black people using a “white sounding” voice confuses white people all the fucking time and you still claim to be the superior race.