
Why did I hate the episode or the 7th season?

Oh man...I HATED that episode. I loved DS9, but the 7th season might as well not have existed imo.

Great episode. And if you think Patrick Stewart is a great actor, then you should watch Safehouse (movie, not episode). Patrick Stewart with Alzheimer's will make you weep like a baby.

THIS. Also, All Good Things...

Yeah, I personally loved DS9. It's my favorite after TNG.

Really excellent article. I could think of many more I'd have picked; it's a tough choice. You could honestly do one of these for each of the first four series and still have hard choices to make. Good job.

I can just see tripping and falling into this and getting all tangled up. It looks pretty cool, though. This is one of those cool, DIY things that my wife would never let inside the house.

Sweet. Now I can find out all about the Red Sox and the Yankees on the go! I can also learn about the Yankees. And the Red Sox, too!

I'm thinking that this is going to lead to improvements and broader implementation of VoIP via the Kinect, yeah? I could really see them bringing Skype to Xbox Live via the Kinect.

On the subject of families playing together, I have a funny (sad) anecdote. I teach 9th graders. One of my particularly foul-mouthed boys said the word "faggot" in class. When I got on to him about it, he said "What, that's not a bad word!" When I told him that it was, indeed, a bad word, he said "Nuh-uh. My dad calls

This sounds a lot like what Epistle does for free on Android.

Oh, wow...I bow to you, good sir.

The plotholes aren't really holes. It's just that when you introduce something like that, you kind of negate a lot of future dangers. Life Support going down? No problem, hide in the pattern buffer. Need to hide from bad guys? Pattern buffer. Someone about to die from a deadly wound or disease? Stick them in the

Only 50% effective using 75 year-old technology, yeah.

Yeah, no Tetris, Pokemon, or Street Fighter is pretty ridiculous.

I don't remember a Zelda game titled "The Wind Walker." Man...I REALLY hope that's the article's mistake and not the Smithsonian's.

"Anatomy of a Dewback (1997, Color, Apx. 26 Minutes) – See how some of the special effects in Star Wars became even more special two decades later"

That was one of my absolute favorite episodes of TNG ("Relics," right?). It was also one that introduced a concept that introduced numerous plotholes from them on, namely the idea of saving someone's pattern in the pattern buffer.

"I feel kind of silly explaining the concept of a Dyson Sphere to io9 readers, since I'm sure you all have your own under construction"

Thanks a lot. After reading this, I immediately went to ebay and picked up a copy of Rogue Squadron 3.