
They don't have ANYthing from CBS. I'd pay $10/month just to watch The Big Bang Theory. Unfortunately for my local cable company, I won't pay $50/month for it.

You don't. You have access to Hulu+, a $10/month service that allows you to watch a the tiny percentage of TV that you can't see on Netflix by waiting six months.

People use Hulu Plus?

The first thing I did was scroll down until I found Temeraire. I LOVE those books. I discovered them by a total fluke: the library was closed for the weekend and I was in between books. I looked on the Kindle Store for what free books were available, and "His Majesty's Dragon" popped up first. I started reading it,

In the following order of importance (1 being greatest):

lol...I'm retarded. Yes, I was totally confusing RAM with Flash memory.

Yeah. Its only curse is that it's saddled with freaking Winmobile 6.5. But, it's so easily rooted that it's not even an issue.

I'm so sorry. I saw "Need a kleenex?" and instead of seeing your meaning about branding, for some reason I thought you were implying that I was being a crybaby. I'm really sorry - I'm the jerk here, not you.

I want to be excited about The Walking Dead being only $10, then I remember that it's only 6 episodes... :(

That's a good point. I guess I'm just too attached to precision of language. Things like that bug me (though I'm socially well-adjusted enough to not say anything, at least).

Heh, makes sense.

I can see that.

You are why Gawker needs downvoting capabilities. Was there any reason to be a jerk?

I really don't know how big a factor this is in anything, but why are these tablets only sporting 1gig of RAM? My phone is about 2 years old and has a gig (and cost me $100 used). It seems like these vastly more expensive (and vastly bigger) tablets could stand to put in an extra gig.

Of course, the biggest downside is that all non-tech savvy people refer to any Android phone as a "Droid," now. So, when people ask me if my phone is a Droid, I can either say "No, it's an HTC Leo, but it does have the Android OS" and come off as an elitist prick, or I can just say "yep" and feel my inner nerd die a

That was pretty awesome. Reminds me of the 30 Second Bunny Theater (all of which is available on Netflix instant streaming, now!).


I wrote about these in my Master's Thesis!

I use hand sanitizer for that purpose quite often. As a teacher, it seems like every time I grade I end up with red ink all over my fingers.

I'd wipe it down once or twice a day with peroxide and dab it well with Neosporin several times a day. I can attest that Neosporin is safe for dogs, or should be. My vet had me wipe it on my dog's nose to help heal a cut she had. She's about 100 pounds heavier than your dog, though, for what it's worth.