
Read some more of Sanderson's stuff if you haven't. Mistborn trilogy, Elantris, Way of Kings...all amazing books.

One of my favorite classic books.

Having just finished Way of Kings and in dire need of more Sanderson, I'm re-reading (and LOVING) Mistborn: The Final Empire. I'll re-read the rest of the trilogy, then finally pick up the newest Temeraire book. I should finish that just in time for the next Dresden Files to come out in April.

Yeah, I enjoyed the second season, though far less than the first.

I'm sorry...I guess because technically you are only violating civil law and not criminal law, then it's not "stealing." My bad.

I get where you're coming from. I just think you should admit that your excuses for piracy are completely invalid. You know that you're stealing, you seem like you regret it; you should own up to it.

This article reminded me of how much I really loved the first two seasons of Heroes and how god-awful and insulting it quickly got in season 3. Now I'm tempted to go back and rewatch the first two seasons on Netflix, even though I know it will just cause me pain and torment as I recall the horrors that follow. Thanks

Ooh...Dawn of Souls. Now I know what to look for. Thanks!

I had heard that it was ok to have ROMS of games you own, but I have no evidence for this.

Your point is only valid if you don't believe in intellectual property.

Great post.

So, because the other people who worked hard on the album (producers, marketers, sound techs) will also get a cut (maybe even a big cut) of the profits, it's ok to pirate music? As long as you happen to go to a show, then all is good and the artist has gotten paid?

I'm sorry, but that's total BS. The case of the Humble Indie Bundle more than proves that piracy is just as much a case of people being greedy jerks as it is a market correction.

I like your example of the Japanese CD. I really want to download the original Final Fantasy ROM on my phone, but I never have owned it. I tried to find a used copy on e-bay, but it's going for over $300 on there. I still haven't justified it, though, because I THINK I could buy it for the DS instead.

Let's see...I'm pretty anti-piracy, but I violate that in the following ways:

Haha...this is the most ironic article I've ever read on here.

I agree that the new Gawker layout is terrible. It doesn't effect me much, though, as I use Reader to view all of their sites (that I view: Kotaku, Gizmodo, Lifehacker, and io9) anyway.

Kudos to Kotaku for leading with the Penny-Arcade comic. It's pretty much right on the head, too.

Microsoft, I promise that I will finally buy maps from you the day you start selling them a la carte and cheaper. I don't relish paying $3.33 for a Firefight map when I NEVER play Firefight. Of course, i wouldn't pay $3.33 for ANY map, so...

Yet another Gizmodo article about how to do something horrible.