
My school (I'm a teacher) issued all of the principals iPads this year. They all also got little styluses. It's kind of funny watching 40 and 50-something techno-newbs pecking away at the iPad with a stylus instead of their finger.

@jaan: It has a cool look, but it doesn't seem very usable. There is no way you could hold it and type with the keyboard comfortably, so it would need to sit on a desk. If it did that, it would need to raise and angle the screen (like it looks like the Slider does) and then also be weighted on the keyboard so that it

Wow...I just can't imagine spending $500 on a 7" tablet. If that Transformer is actually $400, I can see that, but I'd be willing to bet that the $400 model is almost useless. The Slate's price seems about right, though it's more than I'd pay. Same with the Slider.

I think another thing that can help develop a good habit is to merge something you like with the habit. For instance, putting a computer in front of my treadmill and devoting the DVD queue part of mine and my wife's Netflix account entirely to the treadmill computer has helped me to keep up a good running routine.

@_Ko0LaiD_: I really suggest Crest Pro-Glide or another like it. It's a ribbon of floss about a milimeter wide. It makes a world of difference. I've always avoided flossing (and the dentist as much as possible) because it hurts my gums extremely, but about one month ago I started using it. I've flossed my teeth

How is the Xbox 360 not up there? I guess that counts as Windows Media Center? Anyway, my breakdown:

You can't get in shape and stay that way without a total lifestyle change. Saying "I'm going to work out more" or "I'm going to do the Atkin's diet" is just dooming yourself to eventual failure. To actually go from bad shape to good and stay that way, you have to change your entire way of life. That's my advice.

@whiteflea: I'd also like to keep my bloodsugar down (I have genetic hyperglycemia), but I'm not making that a resolution, per se.

I have 2:

I use Mint on the desktop but haven't put it on my phone out of a very intense fear of losing my phone and then my livelihood. I do have a problem with Mint, though.

@nycrite: My Sunday School class had a Christmas party (we are all friends outside of church, having been together in the class for years). Instead of wasting money on white elephant or whatever, we all brought toys to donate to Toys For Tots. Just an idea.

As a teacher, I get about an $800 raise each year. The salary schedule is sometimes raised in a district, usually once or twice a decade, but generally speaking it provides a steady $800-1000/year raise. I see this raise as sort of an essential cost of living adjustment for my job and would quite annoyed if it were

@JuryDuty: The Lego games will be a blast for you and the kids: Lego Batman, Lego Indiana Jones, Lego Starwars - all definitely worth a buy if you have kids.

@GreasyPig: One idea would be to take towels and drench them in water, then leave them wadded up on top of the soil. Then take some clear saran wrap and put that over the tops of the tubs, leaving room for air to get in and out. Over the 12 days, the towels will eventually dry out as the water evaporates and you'll

The Android Dilemma:

@Pope John Peeps II: I was so caught up on the retarded cliche of "we only use 10% of our brains!" that I didn't catch this. Nice.

I have a friend from Burma. He says that rooster sauce is like their catsup (as in they put it on everything). That's all I have to add to the conversation, sorry.

Even though I have a PC connected to my TV for gaming and Netflix/Hulu viewing, ever since I got my 360 in August I've used it for Netflix more than anything. This is mainly because my wife isn't a gamer and we don't have TV service and I actually enjoy spending time with her (crazy, right?). So, yeah, this makes

I'm diabetic and this is basically the diet I follow, for the most part. I lost around 70 pounds in 9 months and have kept it off. I went from 224 in July '09 to 155 in March '10. People kind of ooh-and-ahh over the restrictiveness of my diet, but being thin after a lifetime of being fat is really awesome. Also not