
@ianturton: Yup! Corn is one thing I just about NEVER eat since finding out I'm diabetic. Otherwise, I eat almost anything I want, just in proper ratios.

@Jimmy From The Block: Making dinner (Apricot Chicken with pasta) and going to melt dark chocolate and coat strawberries with it.

Yay, grades are entered, heading home! Happy Friday, everyone!

@Lyrian: Well, I cancelled my Sunday D&D session. And I'll be making a special dinner for my wife. Besides that, probably not much.

@whiteflea: Oh, yeah...Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother. Forgot those.

@icecreamman: I've lost 35 pounds since September, if that counts. The main thing is eating a balanced meal for every meal. I was diagnosed with diabetes but have managed to keep my sugar at normal human levels without medicine by working out and eating a balanced diet.

@Eric Geller: The Office, 30 Rock, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Rescue Me, Dexter...hmm...I think those are the only TV shows that are still currently on the air. I watch 99% of my television programing on Netflix or Hulu (including all but the first two listed above, actually), most of which is no longer on the

@Eltigro: same here! I can just barely pass the colorblind test about half the time, but I obviously can't see the numbers as plainly as someone who isn't colorblind. @tonicmole:

I'm just glad that my colorblindness is so mild. I only have trouble distinguishing between different shades of green (and see some greens as yellow and vice-versa).

@Chronixal: We had a Cello-Violin-Flute trio play that at our wedding :)

Soo.....Kotaku still hasn't changed the extremely dishonest headline of this article? I figured they would have by now.

@dracosummoner: Yeah, I remember now. I gave my trial copy to a friend when I was trying to get him to play (long after my own trial). I wanted to twink him a bit so he could ease through the early levels, but I couldn't give him any items.

@slimky: I agree...very misleading. I've done the WoW Trial. You don't have access to a bunch of stuff, or at least you didn't back when I first tried it. In fact, I think it even had a level cap...

@balls187: To not be tied down to Amazon's DRM'ed book store, mainly. Also to have something that can do more than read books (yes, the Kindle can somewhat surf the net, but not really), such as play music in the background, check e-mail and do light surfing, etc.

@maxtothez: My stepbrothers and I got Super Mario Bros with Duck Hunt, RC Pro-Am, and The Legend of Zelda with an NES for Christmas when I was 6 years-old.

@Pitchswitch: As the other people say, ghosting won't be an issue if you get a good TV. Just read plenty of reviews before buying anything.

Man, this seems like a really great idea. I wonder how much I could get a cheap netbook for on e-bay.

Is City of Heroes free yet? No? Nevermind...