
did i see someone trying to lift his broken-band watch?

who the fuck gets caught with weed? how much buck wild is required until you’re caught with a jawn ? got it on me right now like many here - but im quiet about it. damn son...

look, lets dissolve color for a second - it was a little WEIRD if he hopped someone’s fence. like majorly weird if so.

albeit less than likely of an issue you’d like to further delve into- im more than happy to more fully dive into the [searching my word bank] - frankly deranged circumstances as well as the devastating effects of this as need be.

the mortality rate can hover around 20% w an associated injury. lot of ppl are missing the mark

Former D1 track runner for a bigtime program. midpack in my squad. every resource imaginable. been through it all.

charlie work is unquestionably, and correctly #1. G-sharp!

yea its like that. dont be surprised, shocked or - THE FUCKING WORST - some faux wordsmith comedian. you arent worthy of my city’s gift,


you’re not welcome here. get lost.

you can get fucked too. lets talk some shit about wherever you’re from mr rock n roller

shoulda gone w Frank Reynolds’ roommate, more recent. fucking loser.

tell the class what fancy part of america you live in

your posts prove that correct

we clapped when irving broke his neck too bc no one knew he was actually legit hurt and pukemon was at my sedar. the low hanging fruit tree was watered prodigiously  

i know this all lower case silently eats *u* up inside

hey guys ^he or she types realllly well on a phone and should be validated as such 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

you capped santa? hes not real and also grammar police on the mobile are a *special* breed. thanks mom.

too many cooks ruin the soup as well.

yep thats what we did. made a 3 day weekend out of it. Novel, original jokes be dammed! (throws snowball at santa)