Trigg Adams, Sanders’ grandson
Trigg Adams, Sanders’ grandson
Those jeans have a dick drawn on them!
I think, and I could be guessing here, that people are losing their goddamn minds right now because the President of the United States is unable and/or unwilling to stand up for the country he was elected to defend. That’s (very) fairly speaking, a big ass motherfucking deal. Being over it all is a feeling I can…
Putin didn’t single handedly get Trump elected. In a national election here is no single thing that soley influences the outcome.
Seriously, queer as fuck trans woman here, chill the fuck out.
The joke isn’t “They’re gay, hyuck hyuck hyuck.” The joke and insult is that a world leader, who claims to represent the American people, is actually in love with (and controlled by) a world leader who is everything but a literal enemy of the fucking state.
Ugh Jesus
Not sure what’s going on here, but it doesn’t look worthy of 102,500$
I see what you’re saying, but in a much more real way I see that you’re incredibly wrong and this car is gorgeous.
That was a very useful contribution to the conversation. Oh wait, the other thing. Completely irrelevant.
Ferrucci called his actions a “mental lapse,” and said he has “no excuse other than the fact that [he is] a twenty year old Italian American with a deep passion for motorsport, which is a very emotional sport.”
As with most things the answer is buy the damn Lexus. You can’t use any of the “extra” speed and the bummer bullshit is going to ruin it. Just buy the damn Lexus and don’t worry about it as your drive from your gated community to your dental practice.
So, on the downside in the future baseball uniforms are hideously ugly.
I am forever shocked at how many people have so much money yet are stupid as fuck.
I keep forgetting this is a Prius four-cylinder hybrid.
Three places in the world drive on the left....ha ha!
It’s funny that you would use a factory in MEXICO to explain how building a new manufacturing plant in the U.S. would go. I guarantee you that the numbers for that Mexico plant don’t work if the salaries were commensurate with U.S. salaries.
Lol. “Factory jobs.” The only way anything is manufactured in the U.S. is through automation with minimal human oversight. There is not a single economist in the U.S. who thinks that tariffs will result in increased GDP. Does it protect certain industries? Yeah. But increased prices ALWAYS results in decreased…
If North Korea can party with the United States, South Korea can party with Mexico.