Were you hoping the gnome was hispanic? Perhaps some black scandenavians or pacific islander redheads?
Were you hoping the gnome was hispanic? Perhaps some black scandenavians or pacific islander redheads?
Chris Christie clearing his colon?
Is it just me or do Seahawks fans remind you of people who came into money quickly, only to discover they can’t handle being rich?
Stevie Wonder isn’t blind
A lovely little moment at the Australian Open today—lovely for everyone except the ball girl who got whacked in the…
Not only is Manning aware that he regularly hits the deck, but he also knows the officials won’t always end the play there. It’s a very specific “play to the whistle” counsel for his receivers.
Arguably Israel’s most critical military capability is their small but very deadly submarine fleet. Beyond being…
Via the BBC- “Iranian state media’s coverage of the incident has been studiously restrained and measured in tone.
Genltlemen, you do realize the last time Iran had sailors captured, they paraded them around and it took two weeks to get them back, right? This was a timely and orderly return of our men from a nation we view as hostile to most of, if not all our resolutions for the middle east. I know you’ll blame obama for not…
Just fyi, Deadspin’s official editorial policy is that the Chargers holding an option on moving to LA is the same as them having done so; they can eat shit until they decline the option, and for that matter if they do they can eat shit for having lorded it over their fans in the meantime.
Oh look! Someone overreacting to something that was an accicent and blowing it up so that it can damage the name of the dev instead of reaching out directly.
The guy who scored the only points for his team blew it? Sounds like everyone else on the team blew it.
Why pay them when you can instead not pay them?
Listen, the very notion that they’re genuinely “doing” anything is flattering to them. If they were serious about some sort of insurrection against government, they could—would—have picked virtually any other building in North America to start it. They don’t want a fight. They want to get interviewed on Fox News.
Time to put this one down.
Russian ships can barely maneuver, so being “on a collision course” could have been as simple as being anchored.
Sikh and Islam are completely different religions which aren’t remotely related to each other. It’s like racists aren’t even trying to educate themselves anymore.
Because this is the right response.
What is this? A room for ants?!