Yes people are acting like she actually cut off his head. trump has no problem with people threatening a President’s life. He invited Ted Nugget into the White House.
Yes people are acting like she actually cut off his head. trump has no problem with people threatening a President’s life. He invited Ted Nugget into the White House.
You realize she didn’t really cut off his head? If trump hadn’t invited Ted Nugget to the White House he might have a legitimate beef.
Hell he had to ask what his name was.
Hey I just met you / And this is crazy / But here’s my number / So call me maybe…
Is Ted Ok?
Better than Michael hitting Meredith with his car?
LOL Women legislators. Less than 20 % in Texas.
That guy must be a pussy.
Except mushrooms.
And the amounts he paid them. Maybe we can do a GoFundMe to buy back our government.
It should be pretty easy to provide security for people in prison.
When money is your god it is.
Now we know why he’s meeting the Pope. trump patron saint of greed.
Yeah compared to the bravery of the white boys shooting up schools, theaters and churches.
Your first comment was about the word “incident” in the headline. Did I miss your “those poor little girls” comment?
So he definitely told the Russians is was Israel.
Her neck and chest area is amazing she looks 20.
Have you seen the great documentary of Orry-Kelly? Really tells the truth about Cary Grant / Randolph Scott.
The fact is he’s a Nazi. No one has to cut the fucker any slack.
Fuck I wish you had told me about the basement thing 2 weeks ago.