Also the little dots are on the other side of the line and you can’t click on them.
Also the little dots are on the other side of the line and you can’t click on them.
Girl, can you not read what you wrote “What makes for a terrific candidate is someone who will be a good President and can actually win the Presidency.” You believe trump was a terrific candidate, I think you are stupid beyond belief. Sadly you don’t understand that winning 3 million more votes than your opponent is…
That everyone disappears except the people who attend his rallies and he has to live among them.
Beyonce referred to Tina as “The Queen” and it pissed Aretha off.
Oh my god, not this twit again- Let me get this straight your opinions are facts. You’re the smartest person in your room. You believe trump was a terrific candidate, yeah I’m gonna go with you are bigger idiot than you seem.
And I will keep hanging mine on the fact that Hillary was a terrific candidate. You know using the criteria that she was the best person for the job. You keep on tearing women down and dividing the party.
Ron Paul, Paul Ryan, Rand Paul he thinks they are one person.
He also in an interview last week said we had bombed Iraq and had to be corrected by Maria Bartiromo.
That explains him wanting to get rid of Big Bird-Jealousy.
Yeah, I don’t believe in “facts” based on polls. LOL who was first trump?
I would say you were under 30.
Thank god.
Iris, how fucking stupid are you? You come at someone with nothing but insults and expect a reasonable conversation? You are fucking ignorant and ugly and you smell and your family is ashamed of you. Your hair is greasy, your breath is putrid from eating ass all day and you leave a stain on every chair you sit on.…
Don’t start sentences with “Wow” it make you sound like a stupid twit.
Oh Iris, bless your heart, most normal people when being told to go fuck themselves would realize the conversation was over. But not you Iris, you keep beating that dead fucking horse until the last fucking maggot eats its way out of the putrid fucking asshole. You obviously can’t face that someone has a different…
It had her winning 3 million more votes than her competitor. I am happy to hang my hat on facts. Not your opinion that people didn’t like her. But you keep diminishing her achievements and service, do strong women threaten you that much?
People stayed home because everyone said she had a 95% chance of winning and they didn’t feel the need. The only poll that mattered is the one taken 11-8-16 and it proved that millions of people like her. I am so fucking sick of people diminishing her appeal and service.
Wait - are you actually a paid Russian troll just stirring up shit in the Democratic party?
I’m sorry if short factual statements aren’t you style. I don’t happen to like your overuse of exclamation points. I am not crying just stating a fact. I think your condescending attitude is what drives down enthusiasm and makes us lose elections. My suggestion? kiss MY ass.
Which is it? Does Hillary only win elections that she is 100% supposed to win or does she lose elections she is absolutely supposed to win? It’s not just your wording that is sloppy so is your thinking. If you don’t understand someone supporting a candidate that got millions more votes that either of her opponents…