
Same. I used to live and breath NFL football, and now don’t watch a single down.

I’m gonna say that the catcher did a really good job of framing a bad pitch.  Still no excuse for missing it by Joe, but part of a good catcher’s job is framing corner pitches.

As much as I loathe the Yankees, I’m so happy for CC and the success he’s had there.  In 2008 when my Brewers traded for him, he put the team, the city, and the state on his broad shoulders, and pitched a half season like the best pitcher in history, and dragged a pretty mediocre team to their first playoff berth in

That’s the joke........

MIller Park’s warning track, for some very fucking dumb reason is about 6 feet wider than other park’s tracks.  What happens often is what you see here.  Outfielders go back for a ball, expect to make contact with the wall, and it’s not there, and they lose their balance and fall.  WHY this design decision was made is

I..... What?

The best thing is that this is how Uecker calls actual games. If you put on the radio and also the tv feed of the game, you can see there are times where Ueck will call something a “deep drive” and it’s a medium fly ball or whatever, and it’s not a Harry Carey situation where he’s drunk and has no idea what’s going

Not that they don’t deserve a call-out for this but..... “Something racist was said on Barstool Sports radio show”.

One guy died, and the other guy lived.  I am gonna say that was not a draw.

You think when you’re younger (but not too young) that it’s ludicrous that people could die from the flu. When I was in my mid 20's and working outdoors (concrete camp) I got the flu, and one day I called in sick. By the evening hours, I had cramped up so bad I was laying on the couch, just curled up fetally. My gf

Ben Askren is a racist pos, and got what he deserved.

This might not be the comment we need, butt its the comment we deserve.

Using more than 2 hashtags should be grounds for someone calling the cops on you.

Per google: about 1750 per year at major league games

I think I think that's actually fair. 

When I go to games and sit behind the nets, the one thing I don’t hear people say is “If only this net wasn’t here, I’d have a much better view of the game”.

You’ll cancel season tickets because of a net, and you’re talking about over-reactions?

Ya’ll can get the everloving fuck out of here with this “don’t sit that close when you have kids” asshole nonsense. It probably costs less to get nets to the fucking foul pole in every fucking stadium than it does to pay for each team’s highest paid player for one at bat.

Clarke is a piece of excrement, and a dogmeat asshole who has no business being in law enforcement in any capacity.

Show show us on this doll where he touched you