“Kim reportedly worried she would be raped”
“Kim reportedly worried she would be raped”
People are making way too big a deal of this and honestly making it weirder than it has to be. I’m assuming he had a crush on her when he was like a small child - relatively normal in terms of child development. Children aren’t thinking about crushes in they way we do, hell I’m sure most of us made silly comments…
Maybe it’s an inside joke between them? He might actually want to crush Kim under the wheels of a bus.
One might even call it a hot take.
she wants to press charges.
I read a poll where about a quarter of Trump supporters think he’ll start a nuclear war. Nuclear war. They’re still voting for him. Trump is the leader of a political suicide cult.
Have you considered intimidation and/or fraud? I mean, just saying.
Unfortunately I think a lot of the people who like and support Trump honestly like and support the fact that he’s a racist bully. They operate like those side kick guys that hang around with the biggest bullies in school. They get a thrill and a sense of power out of the fact that he’s willing to say these terrible…
I quit right around the time it became a “community” and the alt-right took it up as a cause célèbre. Something like that becoming a political issue was enough for me to finally quit all forms of nicotine.
It’s the “SICK CLOUDS, BRO” cohort who make vapers hated. They’re kind of awful people and I hate going to my local shop to pick up supplies. It’s a very specifically weird community.
Hm. He’s born ‘79 she’s ‘89, checks out Hollywood!
Don’t disagree. Personally, I want mandatory voting, like in Australia. And the punishment would be not a fine, but community service.
At the next debate Clinton should make it a point to say Rosie’s name as much as possible:
What I don’t get about Trump supporters is that they aren’t repulsed by how much he brags. If I was at a party and someone was telling me how rich they were when it literally had nothing to do with what we were talking about, I’d walk away. I get that some middle class people believe in their hearts they will be ultra…
Personally, I simply want to reduce the vaping community down to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it.
The craziest thing about this being true is that he apparently believes that straight women want to fuck his brains out.
I’m afraid you’ve got this entirely wrong if you think it started in 2006. Rosie was one of the Howard Stern targets in the 90's. Trump would visit the studio and among other despicable things, attack Rosie. It was on that show that he first called her a big fat pig and other juvenile insults, including attacking her…