Blerg 2.0


A. Putting someone in solitary for attempting suicide is batshit crazy behavior, and is utterly common across the prison system.

She wants to kill herself so they decide to make her miserable.

Sure, but class and race privilege intersect. I’m aware of this as a white person with visible tattoos. I made the calculation that I had enough degrees that I wouldn’t have to be worried about whether my aesthetic choices would bar me from certain jobs. None of the white people I’ve known who decided to dread their

“People apparently think I have a hostile face,” she says. “People mistake me for Annalise Keating and Amanda Waller, so I have to smile. I have to overly smile. I have to smile as if I’m doing a Colgate commercial smile.”

People think she has a “hostile” face?! Viola Davis has a face like the sun shining through parted clouds, and I will fight anyone who says otherwise.

No way any white person with dreads is being told they have to shave their head or they can’t work at Portland’s third best food co-op. This is such bullshit.

From the website, it seems like a call center that processes overflow of claims for insurance companies. In other words, she’d be talking on the phone, not interacting with customers anyways. This is such a stupid ruling.

I’d love to hear someone tell a white woman that she always has the option to shave her head to get a job. Sounds totally reasonable, right?

Does anybody else feel like they just don’t want to know about all the details of this story? Very sad.

All herpes is herpes, the type 1 and 2 designation only refers to where it is, which is pretty shitty and not useful. And as a herpes haver, it’s not always an STI - I didn’t get from sex, I got it from my mother when I was a baby (just from generally interacting with me while she had a cold sore).

Yeah, for sure researchers, it’s due to obesity. The maternal mortality rate is three times higher in the US than Canada, because America has three times the rate of obesity compared to Canada. Wait, that’s not true? Hmmm... I wonder what else could be the difference between the US and all other industrialized