What the fuck is the matter with this guy? Do people really buy this shit?
What the fuck is the matter with this guy? Do people really buy this shit?
Looks like Al Sharpton if he kept being fat
that’s a big ass house
That’s the same type of crazy, dumb mother fucker I want on my defense.
no one cares
yea ok
No, because she had strong opinions that real journalists would never make. She is 100% a personality. People on here always looking for discrimination lol you’re honestly pathetic.
you have no clue what you’re talking about you “fucktard”
Yeah, because guys who are thinking about beating their wives will stop and think “damn, she won’t be able to vote if I kill her”. Thanks for preventing domestic violence!
great sense of humor! omg!
wtf? lol
No, Doris Burke by a mile. GOAT
lol what the fuck was that? looks like he was trying to cast a ‘get’ spell on him or something
Great post. They’ve also been laying off employees in the past could weeks.
guns don’t cause this, they enable this. the cause is a mix of a suicidal, mentally unstable, young male who cannot handle today’s society and are able to get a hold of a firearm.
dumbest question i’ve heard all year
Teens are 489 times more likely to die in a car accident than on the football field just fyi
teams are treated like plantations by their owners
Slaves worked, they worked for free but that is still working. They mention this as part of the slave trade, so obviously they’re slaves. Do you need redundant sentences to learn?
seems reasonable