
What do you want, cops to not do their jobs? If you had a business and some customers broke the rules, you kicked them out, they were trespassing, acting disorderly and you had no control of the situation, you wouldn’t call the cops? And if you were the cops, would you disregard the situation because they’re black and

Yea, so you agree she was resisting. People on here don’t think so, she also interfered with the female officer which is the reason why she was grabbed by police.

That was a fabricated facebook post, fyi. No bones were broken.

Because anyone with eyes can see they were resisting, and the girl who was pushed onto the car was interfering with the female officer. Holding on to the bars for over a minute without letting go while the cops repeatedly tell you to let go is resisting. If they were men (of any ethnicity) they would have been hurt.

Not trolling, just speaking my mind. Hey, if you watched that video, the surveillance video, know that the ‘broken jaw’ was a completely fabricated statement, know that they were kicked out for breaking the rules, were disorderly and a also a public nuisance and then resisted arrest and still think it was police

there really is no way to say it anymore. every word that depicts race is considered ‘racist’ by someone.

Sounds like something that someone with no intelligence would say.

You’re right, but I have no connection to price asshole and I don’t share the same ideas as him. I’m really not a racist, I just think that this is a reach when trying to show police brutality. I guess I hit a nerve when I said it wouldn’t have been shown if these kids were white, which is true, but now I see that it

Thank you for a rational response. I get it, and you do have good points. I understand that they do treat people differently, and I agree with you that that shouldn’t be the case. To me, I see normal cop behavior, but I can see how it can be seen as a bit excessive. Either way, an officer is going to arrest you if he

See, this is why we can’t have a reasonable debate about anything race related. If I disagree with a person of color, I’m labeled racist. You guys just don’t get it. We won’t be able to overcome these issues if you can’t have a sensible debate about them. I wish everyone was treated equally, I really do. I don’t like

Me, racist? So what about gawker, showing only the white officer vs black citizen scenarios to get everyone riled up for pageviews. They choose to skip white victims’ stories, and only mention race if it is a white cop or black citizen. I acknowledge this (which is fact) and I get labeled as a racist. What about

My parents would have killed me (not literally) if I did anything close to what they did. Then again, I’m told having responsible parents is a ‘privilege’.

blacks, whites, I’ve been using both. should I say caucasian and african-american?

I mean, you have good points. I tend to disagree with some of your terminology, I wouldn’t call those things theft because that implied that the president of the NAACP must be black. She lied and deceived, but I understand that you can see that as theft, and I don’t think you’re wrong for it.

Don’t get me wrong, I completely agree. My point was that this is a reach, I don’t really see any wrongdoing by the cops in this. It doesn’t mean that there isn’t an agenda by the media though, because there certainly is. It has mainly been a good thing, but we don’t want to make it look like every arrest by a white

Not in this instance. People keep assuming everything about me. All I’m saying is that I don’t see any wrong by the cops in this video. Watch the security video as well, the cop gave that girl a ton of chances to cooperate, and he still kept his cool even after being assaulted by the other kids. Can we please use our

Lmao now I know you’re out of your mind. Saying this is genocide is either a terrible joke or the thoughts of an irrational human being.

Yeah, because you have nothing intelligent to say or you would have said it already.

I get it, but once they decide to arrest you, you have no choice but to be arrested. You’re not going to talk them out of it.

I mean, white supremacist is a bit extreme, but most people tend to favor people like them, I’m not going to deny that. I was just saying that those things weren’t stolen in my opinion.