
Cars are also lasting longer, so they’re more likely to outlast the loan.

I think a large part of it is that everything described is very typical of hypocondria, psychosomatic disorders, and pseudoscientific diagnoses, in particular being the same list as chronic lyme disease. They’re also common experiences of anyone coming off of a severe illness, both because of how much disease and

Stop dating your ex, for one.

I wonder if disclosing a disability that can lead to an ignorance of niceties would help get feedback (basically showing that I’m aware of my weakness and so able to take criticism) or hurt it (suddenly the ADA is a factor).

According to Cody Decker, Florida fans were so pissed at the idea of a Jew playing baseball that his team had to get him a separate bus, sweep it for bombs multiple times, and then drive it off without him and take him in an unmarked sedan to ensure his safety.

I think there may be some idea that a strict no-chase policy turns high-speed getaways into a get-out-of-jail-free card. That’s been a bit of a problem in the Boston area, where dickheads are treating roads, sidewalks, parks, and even the fucking zoo as their personal ATV rally courses and the cops just ignore it (I

There are also most, if not all, traditional male hobbies, with the most famous in this respect being fishing. Honestly, the big difference between “toxic masculine emotional repression” and “mindfulness” is that the former is taught by fathers to sons for free and the latter is taught by “gurus” and “influencers” in

Also, the laww apperantly has a very low ammo cap they weren’t following.

More than Rep. Cynthia McKinney claiming the Jews caused 9/11?

And, you know, the ethnicity that was actually persecuted under the swastika.

Talk shows have qualifications?

Go back to the Mishna, and you have

Sardines and cabbage.

One issue kind of cut out of #21 is that the research was done one A-bombs, not H-bombs, and it wasn’t hard to see the difference. This is an important distinction because the drills held on during the gap between America testing its first H-bombs and the USSR establishing a significant hydrogen arsenal, many schools

Aren’t squats kind of infamous for having a lot of ways to fudge form to get a higher load at the expense of fucking up the user’s knees? There seem to be a lot of exercises for which the answer to why the “targeted” muscles aren’t developing is that the form is off in a way that shifts all the work to another group.

For most of recorded history, weddings were about going to church... and that’s about it.

For variants, there’s also the possibility that current vaccines will vary in generalizeability and the “booster” will just be giving people who got the least the most, probably the Chinese vaccine because it uses the whole virus particle rather than just the spike.

I like peanut flour.

By the way, does everyone understand the ranked-choice voting system? If you do, you’re better off than I was until recently.

Even if it looks like it’s in great shape, it is difficult to determine if the car seat is expired, recalled by the manufacturer, or has been damaged in a crash.