I'm racist b/c I'm white, right?

It’ll be alright. We white folk manage to deal with y’all every day, too. I think y’all can manage dealing with us as well.


So, can I ban people that are Democrats? Can I also ban people that sag their pants and wear baseball caps with the tags still on them? Can I ban anyone with a De in front of their name? Can I ban people with weaves? Can I ban people that wear Air Force 1's and J’s?


Cultural appropriation.

And do what? Pretend that black folk aren’t just as racist as white folk? And that I’m not allowed to call them out on said racism?

I mean, if you get to call white people wypipo, which, to me, is a blatant attempt at a racial slur, then I get to call you a nigger. I don’t really give two shits how you couch your racism, I’m gonna call you on it. Okay, boy?