Big John

Blah, blah, blah. You also don’t “own” the sidewalk in front of your house, but by law you have to keep it in good condition even if requires you to repair/replace it and need to keep it free of snow and other things that can’t cause injury if used. You think you can remove the sidewalk and put down grass because it’s

Yup. And then tell them the reason they don’t have that job anymore is because of women who resent them and self-castrating, overly sensitive men.

Stop using that logic, you’re proving the SJWs wrong and you know we can’t have that.

Disagree. They are models and chose to be. What about:

no V12, no manual, no care

Yup, find something steadfast and immovable.

So, nobody is self-identifying as a “follower,” thus the statement: “Anyone who is a “follower” of a guy who runs a few companies needs to get a life.” is either meaningless or completely predicated on uncharitable characterizations made by the author (rather than something actually happening).

Oh no? So we dont have reusable rockets that land themselves now, and electric cars havent become more common and accepted? Amazing, I must have dreamed that.

You’re honing in on a word that was intentionally applied by the writer of this post.

Why the hell is Jalopnik so political? Yeah the dude it selling flamethrowers and you write about that but leave the politics away from a decent article. You ruin your article by throwing in your own political opinions were they are not necessary.

So is Elon to Jalopnik as Peter Thiel is to Gizmodo?

Look at BitCoin. I have no vested interest in BitCoin, I’m not an expert, I’ll never invest, but I swear to God someone said “crusade against this” and their tech writers took up arms to slam it endlessly without cause or facts.

People hate him because he is a brilliant, maybe crazy, unpredictable disruptor to those government-subsidized and stagnant industries most in need of it. He has amazingly made significant impacts on staid old niches like the auto industry and orbital transport. His battery technology at scale might just make solar

This entire article was only written because he failed to recuse himself from the Trump show when progressive liberals wanted him to.

the best part of this article has been all the comments that showed me the existence of much cheaper flame throwers! my adult funded inner child thanks you!

Its the gawker media site’s. Once you are on their shit list you stay there and will go out of their way to make you into a villian. Look at taylor swift.

Symbols are not inherently racist. They only exist to convey an intent for those who use them. There is little chance that in the context of a General Lee clone, the intent is anything beyond “I’m a fan of The Dukes Of Hazzard.”

Everyone on Jalopnik is right wing? Have you been here long?

>A former Gawker site is “all righties”

If you think Jalopnik is all righties, then you have already found the weed stash. GTFO.