So what comes next?? Do they have sand anchors and winches? HOW DOES THIS END??
So what comes next?? Do they have sand anchors and winches? HOW DOES THIS END??
Damn, what is wrong with you.
Not a wrap. The Avio editions were all painted in non-glossy paint. And above all, fuck anyone for screwing with someone elses car.
Insurance. Comprehensive.
I don’t know what you have on your car, or what paint color or wheel choice you made, but I doubt you’d appreciate it if a random assclown decided it was “played out” and you deserved to have your car damaged.
That story started out really nice and then got really sad.
I remember me and 3 of my friends rode our mountain bikes to the Dodge dealer in like 93. We had to line up to see and take pics of the first Viper in the province. It was behind velvet ropes. I believe it was around $50k Canadian. My friend took his mom’s camera and took a full role of pics. No lie, he got a puppy…
I love how you said “yes, the audio company”even though no one knows who Becker is
Milk, bread, and eggs... What is it about a blizzard that makes everybody want to have French Toast?
I was just about to comment and say most likely his top is broken and had no choice to get to work.
This is not a hero. This is someone frantically trying to buy milk, bread, and eggs with a r129 whose hydraulic top actuators are (typically) broken.
They did a follow up interview and the interesting gentleman said the top has been broken for months and he was on his way to get the top fixed when mother nature decided to start snowing. It was a horrible BS interview. Guy destroyed a rim/tire and front lip too. Said the top cost $5000 and was too much since the car…
Just like my friend who gets blackout drunk at weddings, they should really stop doing it if they don’t want people to keep bringing it up.
and tastiest!
Mustangs crashing into crowds, ah yes, the lowest of the low hanging fruit.
18 years > 1 decade, amirite?
careening INTO a group of people.
Aaaaaand I would still buy it with the stick. If I am going to go careening in a group of people at cars and coffee, I want to be fully engaged.