Big John

By the username it’s a weeaboo that will never see a naked woman enough times to procreate successfully. Pay no heed.

You seem nice.

Unless they’re amputees, then yes, each person in Atlanta has two snow brushes.


bosozuko snow shaping yo

This is the Onion, right? This has gotta be the Onion.

The Ferrari in The Car.

Oooooooh yeah...

Why not just take the $385k and buy an 812 Superfast? It has an even better V12.

VW/Porsche’s leaders have done much worse, including much more recently, but we don’t get that politicized “history lesson” when blog-posting about completely unrelated matters ...

Here’s my 2006 Explorer, which I quite like other than the transmission, and also my dog, Jimi. No real mods other than aftermarket speakers (on the Explorer, not the dog).

That said, I’ve never found a point highway driving where I would feel safe opening up the car, always too much traffic.

You know it’s funny, I actually had a couple run-ins with cops on that trip, I had one flash his lights at me while I was doing about 120, then I got to the next town about 15 miles later and stopped for gas, a cop was at the station and walked over to me when I pulled in, he obviously hadn’t seen me driving, but he

You genuinely expect your cell phone to not work properly the moment you buy it?

Not on roads designed for 70 MPH

It’s well known that Tesla uses all it’s customers as Beta testers.

I’m fine with speed, if nobody’s around or you are in the country, fill your boots.

It’s funny the obsession with high speeds people some people still have, 140 mph is a completely safe speed to travel at in a modern car. Obviously you have to take into account your vehicle and road/traffic conditions. But if you’ve got space there is nothing wrong with opening it up. I remember making a road trip

Beta tester finds issues with beta product. 140 mph on a public road? Please arrest this idiot.

A ‘74 Vega blows this thing away with build quality...