Big John

What all these “journalists” who take themselves way too seriously forget is that SpaceX/Tesla/BoringCo are Musk’s retirement hobbies.

Why is everyone hating on Elon on Jalop. The guy is trying to enjoy life while also being a boss of our future.

The last place I worked around other people, most of the women wound be the first to say “that’s what she said” to other workers comments. I never found it to be harassing

Why do Hot Dogs come in 10 packs while Buns come in 8?

OK, I’m going to play devil’s advocate here. Probably going to upset a lot, but..oh well.

I am not sorry you believe you are a Pig, however I am sorry you think you can freely label folks you know nothing about.


Try not to generalize

If the democrat party has taught me anything, it’s that all democrat politicians are liars.

If you’ve got a leftover bolt after working on an F1, you’re gonna find yourself moving on down and doing warranty work on some run-of-the-mill Bugatti coupes for the rest of your career like any old slob with a set of wrenches and a chunk of granite.

What you can’t see is that the tech is not wearing pants.

How to replace the fuel tank in a Maclaren F1:

Slabs of granite are in every single machine shop and manufacturing facility, basically anywhere. incredibly common and easy method for measuring tolerance, whether big or small.

I understand that political bullshit has to invade basically every facet of Gawker’s rotting corpse, but can we at least keep most of it off of Jalopnik?

Why is this an article? Some boneheads create some bonehead rumors about a half-ass organization, and you get offended enough to write an article about it? Why? Does this one hit close to home for you? Genuinely don’t understand...

Does not belong on Jalopnik.

Username checks out...

Troll harder.

A new Playmobil Mirage would cost more and be better built than an actual 2 year old Mirage.