Big John

I’d be wary of taking a sawzall to that car... you might find wires where you didn’t think there’d be any...

Uhhhhh, is it just me or should saving 500lbs be worth more than just 0.2seconds in the quarter mile?

That’s nowhere close to what I thought it would run...

Damn you and your typo. I thought for a second there might be a new Model S trim.

I agree. It’s like the automotive version of the toupee.

Those first-gen cars looked awful with the roof and side windows in place.

Wow, that’s a terrible idea. Can I buy and make it a 3 way split??

And not your average 7 either, no sir. If you are determined to win the Bigger Idiot Contest, this should nail it.

But there’s a green arrow right there telling you it’s a good deal. Has a green arrow ever led you astray before?

Been more reliable than my mini

That Ducati there isn’t the symbol of reliability either

I’m sorry, but as enticing as that car might be I’d never buy early Japanese metal from a guy who a) lives as far north as Virginia, and b) lives in a town called Rustburg. The only thing holding that car together is the paint.

I have a local Alfa dealer. Turns out they sell Alfas there.

You could if you practiced more at the dojo.

Might be illegal actually.

If you continue to watch the video at 2:20 there’s a close-up of the hat.

1993 called, they want your backwards hat back. Get that shit off of it before you send it, though.

Sorry, but as a pilot I can tell you that was just a bad bit of flying. If you watch the rudder the plane is doing exactly what the pilot told it to do. He landed with too much yaw and over corrected on the rudder after the main gear touched down, that was then followed by more self induced over corrections.