Big John

You’ve linked below to articles saying you could’ve prevented this if all states had mandatory vehicle safety inspections, but New Hampshire is one of the states that does have mandatory vehicle safety inspections. This accident occurred in New Hampshire and this truck was registered there, further proving the

Ding, ding, ding! You win this weeks participation trophy for being the most disgusting fucktard alive! Congrats on politicizing a point for reasons only known to your tiny pea brain! I can only assume your sarcastic wit is held in high regard....to you.

The people blaming the NRA need to be consistent in their logic and equally blame GMC too I would’ve thought.

You know nothing. The NRA would be the first to turn these louts in and would favor the maximum jail sentence.

You sir, are a dumb ass.

Naw, I don’t see the NRA condoning this in any form.

Are you fucking serious? How is this the NRA’s fault?

$100,000. The F-450 vs Merc S-Class comparison.

Hah! Way to twist words there, guy. Here, lemme try to explain in a way that will not be twisted:

I think you are mistaken.

Holy shit! You HONESTLY, truly believe there aren’t tens of thousands of government personnel on the ground, right now, in Puerto Rico? Where do you even come up with this? Are you trolling?

Good, electronics is the one area where Jaguar really excels.

Actually, you do not know they read the article, could of read the title and raced down to just comment.

Once you reach a certain age, pitching a tent gets harder and harder.

I bet the Trabant driver was simultaneously having the most fun, and in the most danger, though.

Agreed. The Lambo announcement seemed a little pathetic. This seems much more “we took our car out there and drove around a few times, we are happy with the results, thanks to our drivers and engineers for their excellent work.”

To the Google mobile!!

While that’s all well and good, and understandable, my reply was geared more towards the fact that people come here to read about cars.

What does this have to do with cars? Cut the political bullshit, your readers come here to hear about cars.

A football team is NOT a Ranger battalion. Do NOT compare the two.