Big John

Oh hey there, Dougy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

His username suits him.

Says the insignificant waste of space and sad excuse for a human being.

I’m sure that’s what every woman you've been with (if any) has said about you.

1. So? It gives you more time to hear the candidates and their plans to make an informed decision.

Therefore this one shouldn't have won either.....

Somebody made that exact comment yesterday though........

The interior reminds me of the Aventador’s cockpit.

I just read the other person’s response and the article again so I was going to concede to you that I was incorrect, and even apologize. That changed after reading your response, therefore I will stick to just saying you’re a cunt and I’ll see you in hell.

I just read the article again and I am completely wrong, sorry.

No need to explain to me what I read in the article. I was simply responding to the person who tried to correct someone he had no business correcting. Both cars have stripes so “rennsportv12” did not need to try to tell “comeandgo” which he was referring to. I found his comment to be asinine and frivolous, so I



Yes, because that’s definitely how you're supposed to react to more standard safety features.

I’m so original and funny, please love me.

Nah, I kid, I kid. Seriously though, I really loved it. I never missed an episode and I laughed every time. Please keep it up.



This > Autobiography Range Rover

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