
She has a unique looking face that's still quite pretty. The problem is that sometime between the end of  Dead Like Me and that abomination of a tv movie, it looks like she had some kind of surgery that knocked out the balance. Or maybe her face just grew that way. She certainly looks completely different in the DLM

@avclub-f121d09285898f1c66d66f1e6f0455a6:disqus , I agree. Selina reminding her to smile over and over again bordered on traumatic. Like she'd been taught to do it since she was little.

I like to imagine that D&D saw the Lindsay/Tobias with Cersei/Robert mashups and decided to restage an even more accurate version with Loras.

I'm not sure they can show Robb's version of the Harlem Shake for the same reasons they've cut Daario's blue hair and Strong Belwas. It would be way too extreme, bordering on ridiculous for live action. I think his mangled body might be enough, really.

That's my exact answer for the exact same reasons.

Dude, you can not begin to know how horrible it was for us when the Gendry scene took that left turn into Dickleech Town.

Yeah, Cersei in the books comes off as this expert player until you actually see her POV. At which point, you realise she's unstable, reactionary and self-involved to the extreme. I think it fits that Cersei only invests in her facade for the people rather than other players in the court. She thinks that if she throws

And yet, Theon is the one we get strapped shirtless to a giant X for a whole season. Gods, that's unfair.

I like to imagine that she stumbled upon the letter sent to her in one of the books in the Library (the letter having missed her previously), and from there joined the conference call. Imagine Kingston as one of those Library face-pedestals. Just the face without all that hair!

Unresolved mysteries are great if they have a function or some kind of message. There being no explanation for how the Silence, Kovarian, Trenzalore or any of the major threads link up isn't a grand romantic mystery, it's sloppy storytelling. It's building up tension for the sake of tension with no intent to deal with

It's the John Hurt Doctor, standing in his TARDIS after committing the act that stripped himself of name "The Doctor." The TARDIS in distress from that act.


One is immature and wails a lot and the other one is a baby.

Actually take a stab at watching the show. It's honestly got some of the best writing I've ever seen and is a lot less naff than its premise suggests.

My sister and I refer to her as Trippy McBortion.

From personal experience in high school, "random circumstantial evidence" is plenty to go on when you have the crush Thomas has on Jimmy. Thomas' head would normally overrule his heart (or… other head) and stop him from doing anything stupid. O'Brien giving hints is simply feeding into what he already feels in his

The best example I can think of is a certain character from Veronica Mars but there are certainly pages of examples for Depraved Homosexual/Bisexual on TV Tropes that cover Luke's Archer-fuelled rampage.

Y'know how Tina Fey talks in Bossypants about how reactions to her scar act as a good litmus test for character?