promoted by the color red

Wait, so this “joke” was to go into a car dealer and waste a bunch of time pretending to buy a car for the sole purpose of cutting open the oil filter and pretending the engine was going bad? And then acting like they wanted to buy this “disabled” car in order to say HAH GOTCHA!

As someone who has owned and driven both cars extensively, I can tell you it’s more than a numbers game.

That’s not how you Tokyo Drift.

Integra GS-R sedan

The secret is to buy a car less-than-or-equal-to 175" - that’s the magic number for parking in SF. My old Acura Integra had zero trouble finding a space even in the Sunset at night whereas I once had to cancel plans with a friend because I couldn’t find a spot in the Excelsior big enough for my Camry.

1.) 3rd gen Acura Integra: Like a beautiful but sickly woman, it at once inspired me and left me heartbroken as our relationship came to an end. I’ve always been enamored with the scrappy nature of these old Hondas and I hope to have another one someday, ideally in Type-R form.

I still suspect the guys who stole my Integra were the same guys who were found gunned down in a unsolved drive-by just a few days later.

Now playing

Subaru Legacy Touring Bruce. Yes, a trim named after Bruce Willis.

Anyway, how’s your sex life?

It’s not supposed to go on sale until March, per the article.

Justin looked like the sort of dude who rides a ratty dirt bike to his job selling shitty weed out of a seedy gas station parking lot.

I work for the government and I see his portrait every time I walk into a main building.

Woo! I’ve got a T6 Rebel making its way to my house. Can’t wait to start working on taking better pictures.

I bought a Miata. Neither brown, nor diesel, nor a wagon, but there’s 6 gears to choose from. 7 if you count reverse.

BRB going to change all my passwords to “BEEF WOMEN”.

Your goal this winter is to make that ass whiter than Tom Brady’s.

I live in the southeast corner of CA...the harshest part of winter is deciding if I wanted to drive top-up or top-down.

Any word on whether or not they’ll be wearing tinted helmet visors at night?

Garrison Keillor’s excuse was right out of some screwball shoujo manga/anime and not even a good one.