promoted by the color red

DEATHSTAR (my current ThinkPad is DARTHVADER and my old one is PALPATINE).

The Acura/Honda NSX. Yes, we in the enthusiast community know how great it is, but to the rest of the world it's either "What? An $80,000 Honda!?" or "that car from Pulp Fiction".

On the topic of Japan: I recall spotting a GMC Typhoon in Omotesando back in 2005. It stood out from the sea of taxis and luxury cars.

Don't cut yourself on that edge, bro.


We're getting there. Give it a few more generations. You've already got that fancy-new aluminium.

How dare he question a level two super-genius!

It's like somebody complaining about you not knowing how to use a IBM punch card system when you were 8.

We've got high-speed wireless internet, promising research in curing diseases, and cars with technology rivaling a Mercedes from twenty years ago, but since children don't understand old technology this entire world sucks.

Ugh, damn hipster 737s.

Barring that, I want low beltlines and a less-chunky look. Again, this is probably unreasonable given pedestrian safety, but that won't stop me from wanting.

My car's a Clinton/Gore '96 sticker away from 1995 and I'd really kill for a bit of extra torque and a 6th gear. 3500 RPMs at 70 mph sucks as much as having a Kenworth with Jersey plates bearing down while you're merging onto I-5.

Masturbating over revving engines? Sounds like a typical Honda meet.

I went to college with a guy like "Chris". He graduated butthurt because the engineering department kept forcing him to study their way instead of his way and because feminism is horrible and all gamer girls are attention-whore sluts.

Alternatively, you could order the ultra-rare Legacy RS Type-RA a year or two down the line equipped with a hand-built boxer-4 turbo makin' 216 hp, upgraded suspension, stickier tires, and an equally bitchin' Momo Cobra steering wheel (no airbags!).

There was some sort of issue during last-minute testing that forced them to delay their debut.

It was about a year ago. I couldn't believe my luck when I talked my parents into letting me get an Integra GS-R as my first car and this was an adult-owned car with low miles to boot.

Orlove'd all over a bunch of kids.

Well you have to drop it back off in the same place, but I'm told they're figuring out 1-way rentals.