promoted by the color red

The funny thing about holy books is the number of possible interpretations. Just because the Saudi government interprets things one way doesn't necessarily mean that that's the one and only Islamic way.

I rode my bike home three hours after drinking. That's pretty much it. Orlove knows what I'm talkin' about.

Or, you could do what my friend did: say "YOLO!" - ironically, of course - and buy the $3,000 Honda Civic.


Evan Longoria has yet to provide an alibi.

Looks like an Acura Integra to me.

Meanwhile, at Polyphony Studios...

Perhaps owning Japanese sedans from the early '90s keeps you down to earth.

Downey was later reported to mutter something about this scumbag being Less Than Zero.

If I ever get rich my dream is to have Honda restore my Integra GS-R to showroom-spec so I can drive it around to all the posh restaurants and country clubs and piss off all the noveau-riche types. Then I'll take it home and park it next to my flavor-of-the-month hypercar.

During the LifeInvader conference the news channel ticker mentions that the child star from one of the Vice City-era TV shows just died of a drug overdose.


The 1963 Prince Skyline Sprint by Scaglione. Italian design, Japanese mechanicals so pretty much the opposite of the Alfa Romeo Arna.

The Highway 50/80/99 interchange where you have to jump across from 80+ traffic to the two backed-up lanes of traffic that's getting up to highway speed. Oh Shit only barely begins to describe it. The best part? Figuring out which lane you want. Because you have to choose early. Very early.

In the early 20th century we had snuff, coke, booze, and methamphetamines you could conveniently go buy at your local drug store. Hell, Coca Cola had actual cocaine and was marketed as a pick-me-up. Stirling Moss won the Mille Miglia taking meth.

Hey, fuck you. That movie was impressive...

I speak from experience when I say that the super-short truck gearing makes this thing haul serious ass.

My 60-year-old father has had the carb'd version of that Toyota pickup in white since 1985 and he is quite possibly the furthest thing from being a bro in any manner possible.

I noticed you don't have any photographs of the black Toyota pickup. I accept your apology and offer you this image:

Wow. That page is like a perfect time capsule from 2003.