promoted by the color red

That's eerily close to 996 Carrera money. But if we have to pick one from the two, it's too much money for a S2000 so I'll have to set aside the fanboy glasses and walk out with the Porsche keys.

The pre-production model did it better. /hipster

What a lucky guy: he can not only shuttle the President of the United States but also get every pussy within a 500 ft radius.

It's actually more like buying a Nissan GT-R and then removing all the tech goodies and converting it to RWD because it was "spoiling" the "pure" driving experience when you could have just went and bought a Caterham 7 for half the money and a truly "pure" driving experience.

Car analogies are sort of like Italian cars; it takes a special finesse to get them to work.

I find it hilarious when people point to (insert item) as an example of "good" design as if there were only one school of design.

I'm disappointed in the lack of "IT WAS BETTER IN THE '90S!" comments.

The only Capcom game I bought was a used copy of Auto Modellista. I mostly play console racing games (yes yes I know the PC is the greatest thing in the world for that sort of gaming so please spare me) so Capcom's decisions have little to no bearing on my shopping.

You sure it wasn't somebody who made a mistake while making a u-turn or parking? I've seen a keying before and nobody has the time to do several continuous scrapes.

Death almost stamped his Passport. This is definitely a Legend-ary wreck and he'll be living with a renewed Vigor.

They stab it with their steely knives and they just can't kill the beast!

I'm not expecting everything to be there when I boot up the game, but I do expect to drive a 2010 Mustang in a game made in 2010 instead of the 2005 model.


  • More premium cars, for starters. This is oddly specific but I'm disappointed by the lack of 1st-gen Legacy turbo.

Dean Pelton approves.

Nope, definitely not a GT-R. Go home folks, there's nothing to see here.

I was always under the impression that the REALLY good stuff is pricey.

Or you could save however much it costs to buy an 8K TV and just head over to your local Taco Bell.

This is why day drinking is bad.