promoted by the color red

Ah, #1 reminds me of something I did whenever somebody tells me they want a car in the 20Ks range and "in (insert color)" and that's tell them to get an '80s Porsche 911.

To be fair to the op, it's not "didn't get caviar" but more nobody gave any sort of a fuck.

I can't buy a copy of OS X Tiger from Apple anymore. Sure, I can buy used but that's not any better than downloading and making a bootable ISO: Apple's not getting any profit and the ToS has probably been violated. I might as well save myself the heartache of losing on the bidding war.

He's not. The English classes will pick up where they the history classes leave off, if anything.

You're missing the point. It's not Porsche and Honda, it's Pininfarina vs Zagato.

Right, because it's not like there's other schools of design. THE ONLY GOOD DESIGN IS SLEEK AND METAL! /sarcasm

Hmm...from the reflections it looks a lot like Conlan Hall, which in addition to faculty parking, is where a lot of people do pick up/drop offs.

Man, 'ya know what I'm sayin, son?

Ah, to be 11 years old and discovering the internet for the first time! Those were simpler times...

It's actually a normal phenomenon - it's called "cursor drift" and it happens every so often. Your TrackPoint will automatically re-calibrate itself when that happens.

I'd say a healthy $14,000. Yes it's something I'd love to have but it's made of parts that have probably become unobtanium several times over. The full major service is reassuring, but it's going to be a weekend car at best, and if I'm going to have a weekend car, it would be much less practical than this.

I have an issue of MacWorld I snatched out of my school's "FREE!" pile a couple of years ago that has Gizmodo listed as the site of the month and has a pic of circa-2004 site.

Wow. That's deadspin good.

You guys have no trucking shame.

What's powering that off-road racer - V-8, VW, or Subaru boxer?

Great name for an indie punk band, by the way.

Runescape? I didn't know it was still 2004!

The owner was later seen musing "Those were good tires, but certainly not great tires."

Why Camry? Because sleeper. It's the most boring car in Toyota's lineup.