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I guess it's time to live the dream like the '80s/'90s never happened, right Shelby?

A stage two tune and he'd have powered his way out of that.

Wow. I was planning on going alone. See? Being single does have its benefits.

I...I...I want this. I want this more than most other cars. I don't care how wrong it is, I want this. Badly.

I was kinda hoping these two were behind the wheel with the Highlander kid... Damn hipsters get all the luck.

Wait, this assclown is certified to drive and yet, I fail my test because I didn't mash my brakes at 30 when some guy pulled in front of me with like one-two-ish car lengs in front? Well, it also didn't help that I did screw up a few other things, but I sure as hell didn't mix-up pedals. :D

If I wanted to burn to death for $1200, I'd buy a used Ford Pinto race car. At least I'd have fun in the process.

TigerDirect's got refurbs for as low as $40.

"I will attempt to get an engineer so hard he's fly like a while. Then eating. Fun stuff."

Pictures weren't working in the original post.

Honda's Electro Gyrocator was a form of pre-GPS in-dash navigation. Besides sound like a 1950's dildo, it would guide your '80s Accord through Japan through the use of a gyroscope, and a series of map overlays. Of course, it was ridiculously expensive, but cool nonetheless.

Must've been running a hot cam.

Fucking Lahey and Randy probably called the cops.

Well, if he's like me, stupid shit in life happens. In my case I chose to max out (nearly) on AP units, which meant sacrificing the "optional" driver's-ed course - optional due to budget cuts -and was too burnt out/broke the summers afterward to bother. But hey, I SWEAR I'm going to get it before I turn 20 in

For a minute there, I misread huge dogs as huge dongs, which is even more hilarious.

Wasn't the point of the T-shirt so mankind could express his/her over-opinionated self WITHOUT having shit permanently tattooed on?

Am I the only one who saw 7:00 a.m. and was disappointed by the fact that it didn't segue into Rebecca Black's Friday? Because that would have been freaking hilarious.

1885. For chrissake, you could only get a 1hp Daimler Patent Wagen. Pain in the ass to run and unreliable as the first journey required several stops for repairs. You have to fuel up at a pharmacy, which meant you couldn't just stop at the local 76. No, you have to wait for Grandma to get her goddamn pills to buy your

Forget it Fadid. It's Dubai.

There was a guy near my high school who had one with an aftermarket exhaust. By some twist of fate he would always happen to leave just as I was on lunch and, my god, let me tell you, when he got on the throttle, I felt a little funny inside.