promoted by the color red

Quadrophenia just hasn't been the same since they started installing speed cameras.

@Isetta: Heavy and with a complex transmission?

I thought the "falling off a cliff" feeling was supposed to be metaphorical. This guy took it to another level.

This is you (draws dot). This is James Hunt (climbs very high ladder and draws another).

I guess it's passable, but it's a bit short on detail. It would be nice if you could have elaborated more on the life and times on Frank Costin. As is, it feels as though you're devoting equal time to the NACA duct and his life.

@Bluecold: I'm tempted to ask how much horsepower the megaphone adds.

He just wanted to give other people a berth in case his car exploded into a massive fireball.

First it was a horribly unreliable Subaru GL, complete with the 4WD TURBO script on the side. Junked.

Is this what they call domestic violence?

My school has one of these teams. I've wanted to join for as long as possible, especially now as I'm mulling over a switch to engineering from business.

@Vietcrab: It is. I was going to do another one regarding the Fiat 500 but the image didn't go through.

Short and sweet, but perhaps a bit too short and sweet. However, the photo comments more than make up for this. I like.

@Baby Beater Benz: I let the University of California take care of that for me so I can wander in to the engineering library and grab an automotive engineering book while I'm at it.

Ah...as a 19 year old who's in the process of getting a license (things happened) , it would have to be the gray Subaru Legacy turbo going for 2k obo in Oak-town. New clutch and looked pretty good.

Nah, I'm waiting for the Porsche 911 Carrera 2: Electric Boogaloo.

If they build it, remind the President not to ride in the drop-top version. We don't want a repeat of the last time a Democrat rode in a drop-top Lincoln Continental.

@nibby68: You can actually get that at some Chinese restaurants.

Hmm...how do they know that they weren't pranked by someone along the line who dug up the original container and replaced it with this before construction was over?